Chapter 31 - "Hungover Mistake..."

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Chapter 31 - "Hungover Mistake..."

'So... This is not a fancy hotel room?' John asked, looking around the room. He's bit of a snob and wanted realistically to be in a different room but by the time he was taking shots the room really didn't make a difference to him.

'Who cars about where we are, all that matter is your pipe needs sorting and I've been fantasising about what it would be like to sleep with you since I woke up in hospital' she shrugged, pushing him down on the bed, and climbing on top of him.

'Wow. You are not the shy woman I met in the Emergency Department' John muttered.

'Eh. Not all that meets the eye' she shrugged, making John fully aware that she was something to be handled when under the consumption of an interesting amount of alcohol.

She watched as he pushed her off of him, and ran for the mini bar. 'John I can't afford drinks from the mini bar' Clara said making some kind of sense finally. He head was screwed into her neck then?

'Don't worry. Like you pointed out. I'm a rich consultant' John shrugged, popping the cork off the vodka and downed about half of it on his own, handling her the other half.

'Right. Come on big boy. Time to show me what your made of' Clara smirked, climbing back on top of him hardly giving him a moment to think before her mouth was on his.

He didn't reject it.

This was the relief of tension that he needed.

He was so absorbed in himself and getting laid that he completely forgot to call Amy and tell her that he would be out for the night.

- - -

John rolled over in the bed and groaned loudly.

He was on a fricken late today and there's no way he would be able to cope his first day back with a hangover but his tolerance to alcohol is dangerously low now.

So it's no wonder only a few beers had done this to him. When he says only a few he technically means 12. He noted that he could have 3 beers and probably be hungover these days.

'Ugh' he groaned out loud this time, sitting up and looking around at the state of this place.

There were beer bottles and vodka bottles everywhere, and considering he couldn't see properly, he literally staggered to the bathroom picking up his underwear off the floor on route.

He stood and took a wee, looking at himself in the mirror.

The hungover state that was John was not good. Dark purple rings under his eyes. Shaky hands and extremely dilated pupils.

'God I'm a mess' he scoffed at himself.

'Your telling me' Clara squeaked, stepping in the bathroom and looked a whole lot better than John. 'Someone doesn't take hangovers well?' She smirked.

'Not when said person has to go back to work today and it's his first shift back for 4 months' he groaned leaving the bathroom and pulled his jeans up.

'Are you in a rush to leave?' Clara pouted.

'Huh?' He asked looking at his phone and flipped through a few messages. 'Yeah. I forgot I had to pick up my Daughter last night and now I am probably in the doghouse. Have you seen my belt?'

John widened his eyes when he noticed that it was attached to the headboard. What the Fuck had he done last night. He has never been one for kinky shit - he just does the deed and sleeps, so this confused him.

'I don't know what we did with that last night and quite frankly I don't care... But could I have it back?' John asked as Clara handed it to him, as she collapsed back into bed herself and sighed. 'What?'

'Last night was great' she smiled.

'Yeah. But we need to keep it to ourselves' John asked. 'It's just you were my patient and people know we got close at the time and I wouldn't want anyone thinking I have to preferential treatment'

'You might not have but someone did' she smirked, looking down. 'Best I've ever had. Even if you were a little rusty on how to manoeuvre it'

John gasped and went bright red in an instant. 'Did you really just say that'

'I said it and don't regret it' Clara said, writing her number down on the napkin that was beside the bed. 'I'm in town until the end of tomorrow, and then I go back to Blackpool. If you wanna go again give us a ring'

'I don't think I'll have time to see you in the next 24 hours but I will give you a ring' John nodded, sitting down on the bed to tie his shoe lace, prompting Clara to take matters into her own hands.

John stopped concentrating on doing up his shoe laces when he felt Clara wrap her arms around his neck and start kissing down his neck.

It made him shudder in a way that he shouldn't be shuddering at 9 o clock in the morning.

'Clara I've got to go' John said in a husky voice knowing he wasn't going anywhere. Especially if it meant getting to have his way with the really attractive girl that he was in a room with.

'Oh come on. You know you want to' she said, as he stood up.

'I know I do. But I have work this afternoon'

'You have work this afternoon. Not now' she pointed out.

'I'll call you' John chuckled, stepping out of the room and scolded himself. What the he'll was be doing? A hot girl was offering to have sex with him. John figured that this would never happen after the divorce, unless the woman felt sorry for him. But Clara is more of a mess than he is.

So he checked his watch and tapped something out on his phone to Amy, and knocked on the door.


'Room service' John said trying to sound seductive.

'I thought you had work?' She said with angered eyelashes but was standing in front of him in just her knickers and bra.

'Ive thought about your offer and work can wait' he scoffed, shutting the door and pushing her back on the bed.

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