Chapter 8 - "Awake..."

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Chapter 8 - "Awake..."

'It's alright Clara' John said looking down at her and started moving and removing wires. 'It's okay. I'm John, your in the hospital and it's all okay' he said knowing that most people that come out of sedation are usually frightened about where they are. 'Rory, turn the machine off'

'It's done' Rory confirmed, as John looked down.

'Clara you just need to cough for me. Just cough really hard for me' John instructed, as she coughed choking and struggling for breath still. 'That's it. Well done' John said pulling the tube carefully up her throat, as she fell back on the bed.

Clara couldn't recall a thing that had happened. Where she was or who she was looking at.

All she knew was that she was laying on a rather uncomfortable bed and couldn't breathe.

And that scared her a lot.

She doesn't like change at all. She doesn't like it when she doesn't know what happening - what she's doing or where she is. So she panicked a little as a few tears escaped her eye lids.

'Hey. Your okay. I promise' John said to her but she was confused to everything feeling extremely light headed, in pain and sick all at the same time. 'Rory. Hand me the morphine' John smiled pointing at the tube and the needle.

Clara watched wide eyed as she stared at the needle that she was not best pleased about in the slightest - knowing that she has quite the phobia of needles and pain, and right now she was having to deal with both of these.

'It's okay Clara. It's just to help take the pain away I promise' John said to her trying to soothe her panicking.

John had dealt with phobias of things all of his life.

And he knew right now that Clara was more than petrified. Not only was she dealing with being somewhere that she is unaware of, all these strange faces but these people were pumping drugs into her.

John continued to do what he needed to do, gripping her right hand firmly when she tried to squirm away and pushed the needle into the Iv, making sure that all of the white thick liquid got into it.

'Just let us know if your in any pain still and I'll get you some more pain relief' John smiled, trying to make this as easy as possible for her, but the tears were in her eyes.

So far she hadn't said a word, but she had been under sedation for 3 full days and so she was probably trying to sort all the swirling out in her head.

Which she was.

Clara was trying desperately to remember or recollect anything that might have made her get here. Anything that would have put her in a hospital.

Thinking about it made a flashback appear in her head, causing her to jerk upwards and look for a knife in her abdomen which was most definitely done but Clara didn't seem to believe it.

'Woah. Clara, calm down. You'll pull on something' Rory said looking over. 'John' he yelled, trying to push her back to lay down, but John came over and calmed her.

'Clara you have to lie down. We don't want to cause any more damage do we?' John asked to her as she shook her head with her big brown eyes, and slowly started to lay back down with the assistance of the rather attractive looking Doctor.

'There was a knife?' Clara said slowly in a haze.

She knew she was asking stupid questions as things were coming back to her.

She's a child nurse for fucks sake. She knows what being in a hospital means and she knows that waking up means that whatever was wrong has been solved.

'There was a knife. There isn't now' John smiled down at her. 'We remove it Friday night when you was admitted. You had been stabbed multiple times but we managed to stem all the bleeding we believe but we did have to remove your right kidney' he said looking down.

Clara looked up at him then shut her eyes for a moment understanding what he was saying, absorbing it all and realising what that meant.

'I don't think I'll miss it' she said lightly, feeling rather light headed but that was a good thing because it meant that the morphine was kicking in.

'That's the spirit. And no it doesn't look like your body is missing it. Your responding really well'

'Right' she mumbled closing her eyes and trying to recollect anything at all.

'What else is wrong with me?' Clara asked squeezing her eyes shut sure that she was missing or forgetting something about all of this.

'Few broken ribs. A questionable number of stitches, broken collar bone and fractured spine - well it's a fracture of the lower spine' he smiled.

'Okay. So not good then?' She said in a huff, taking a sharp intake of breath as John started fiddling around with the needles which Clara would rather not think about right now.

Once John and finished fiddling around he crouched down to the side of Clara's bed, so that they were face to face instead of her craning her neck up to look him in the eye.

She turned her head to face him properly looking frightened and John could feel for the poor girl.

It's no wonder she's scared.

'Clara. Please don't take this the wrong way - or freak out because everything is okay - but does your Daughter have a name?' John asked as Clara's eyes widened and she sat up causing more impact that she originally intended.

'Aria' she cried very literally as she pulled on her stomach.

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