Chapter 26 - "Discharge Day..."

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Chapter 26 - "Discharge Day..."

'Morning' Rory announced as John began clearing out his locker.

'Hey man' John said, surprisingly in a good mood. Probably because he wasn't even working today. Probably because he was only here to pick up his Daughter and sign off Clara. 'You taking all that home?'

'No not all of it. Just some' John sighed, heading to his office with the cardboard box, and started sifting paper work around, and packing it all up.

'Do you have to go? It's gonna be so depressing with you not running the place' Rory mumbled.

'It's only 4 months. I'll be back and running this place again before you know it' John smirked, putting the back over his shoulder.

John decided to chat to the staff for a bit seeing as he wouldn't see most of them for quite some time. He would definitely see Rory all the time and Jack on a night out but not anyone else really.

'Well' John said running a hand through his hair and smiles at Clara as he hands her the bag of medication and a prescription. 'I hope things work out for you' he smiled.

For some reason he really didn't want to let her go.

He wanted her to stay here for ever. He had quite enjoyed getting to know Clara. She was a great person to chat too on a daily basis.

'Thank you' she said standing up, not really sure what comes next, but she knows that Adrien agreed to help her out just until she's fully ready to be back on her feet. 'I really appreciate everything that you've done for me' she said.

She felt rather sad about this as well. She didn't really want to leave John behind.

She thought about plucking up the courage to ask for his number, but that would probably be inappropriate seeing as he is her Doctor.

If it was meant to be then it would be.

Plus she knew how much of a mess her life was and that the last thing he would want is her hanging around getting under his feet.

'I hope it all works out with your Daughter' Clara smiled kindly, standing up and shrugging into her coat.

'Well in taking some time off now, so hopefully we can make it work' John nodded.

Clara walked to the door, but hesitated before turning back and wrapping her arms around John's waist. 'Your a really good Doctor. The only one that's ever listened or cared for me' she breathed into his chest as John stiffened.

He didn't know how to respond, not because it was awkward but because she was just being friendly.

'Your welcome' he chuckled, patting her on the back and stepping out of the room.

If this was the last time he would see Clara Oswald then that meant that her recovery was k et, and his done his job.

He scrambled towards the main desk while she got in the lift and pressed the ground floor button and John waved, before looking back down at the paper work in front of him - finishing up the forms, and smiling to himself.

He had done good.

What had started out a pretty shit two weeks had kind of ended well, and for the best.

- - -

'Right. Shall we go and see if we can't get some pizza?' John smirked, lifting the 4 year old into his arms.

'I like it with cheese'

'Well then. Lots of cheese it is' John chuckled tickling her stomach making her giggle happily in his arms.

He dropped her to the ground and wondered how the hell kids manage to bounce back so fast, because he k ew that if it was him that had been in Adie's situation he would still be laying in bed.

But she was running down the corridor towards the front door happily flaunting around the bright pink cast on her arm. She even had her arm in a sling yet was more than happy to run.

She climbed in the back seat, where John had borrowed a car seat from a friend, and sat in the front of the car himself.

He was feeling slightly nervous about all this.

He wasn't realistically sure that he could do this.

- - -

'Clara Oswald. Never thought we'd see your face around here again' Connor scoffed, staring at her and looking her up and down practically disgusted.

If anyone was disgusted it was Clara.

She felt like she had been betrayed and watching John working in the hospital in charge had made her think about he life and about how she doesn't want this crappy job anymore.

She never even had any maternity leave, and now she was owed some.

'Don't worry Connor. Im not staying. I'm just here to give you this' Clara smiled handing him an envelope.

'Yeah well I decline your resignation and don't accept it' he scoffed, ripping it up and throwing it in the bin.

'Well I've got copies and if your not going to take it then I'll just take it straight to HR. Your a bully and I can't be dealing with it anymore quite frankly '

'What happened to you sweet cheeks? You used to be so out there? You didn't care about anything other than me and this job' Connor smirked, with a cheeky grin.

'Yeah. Well things change. I nearly died last week and almost lost the one thing in the world that matters the most to me and that's my Daughter. I even lost my boyfriend to death. So I'm moving on' Clara snapped, picking up the baby seat in pain still but did it anyway. 'Happy Fucking New Year' Clara said whipping her hair out of her face and dramatically slamming the door.

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