Chapter 49 - "Status Confirmed..."

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Chapter 49 - "Status Confirmed..."

Clara stormed past people in the corridor gushing tears as she slammed the door open and into the girls bathroom, staring at her face that was now in ruins.

She couldn't believe what he had just said to her. Someone she respected so much had literally just called her a hoe and that's exactly how she felt right now.

She felt like a piece of shit now, as she slumped on one of the toilet seats and slammed the door to locked.

She wiped her eyes with the cuff of her sleeve and just sighed in awe, as she heard someone else was doing the same.

It was more of a groan though, as she heard someone make a noise from another cubicle.

She was in a shit mood but she still felt like she should investigate what was happening so she stood up and looked over the cubicle door - on her tip toes because she curses to this day about being so short.

What she saw wasn't good making her open the cubicle door and check her vitals.

'Can you hear me?' Clara muttered as the woman in front of her couldn't really speak coherently at all, and so she stood up and yelled out the door. 'Can I get some help in here?' She shouted as John ran towards her and noticed how she was in ruins.


'She must have hit her head' Clara mumbled as John crouched down to help the girl. 'It's alright. He'll help you' Clara promised standing up not even wanting to be in the same room as him right now... Even if it was her job.

- - -

'What is wrong with you? You can't just drop some names like that and expect an apology from her! I don't like her but I can understand why she doesn't like you right now' Amy snapped.

'What else was I supposed to do? It was just a shock really because I didn't expect something like that. I knew she was in to some kinky shit in the bedroom - I mean we have done some filthy shit - but I just didn't think she did that with other people'

Rory winced. 'I do not need to know about the sex schedule and what you do'

'She didn't. She was only a stripper and don't tell me you didn't do some racy things through medical school. Everyone does some shit in their life they regret to get them where they want to go' Amy pointed out having heard some of John's drinking stories for money.

'She was a stripper last year Rory. Before she found out she was pregnant she went back to doing that stuff. I love her I'm sure I do - but how can I just forgive that?'

'How can you not? I don't like the woman. Don't get me wrong I'm sure she's perfectly nice and she's the mother of your child blah blah blah - I get that - but you say you love her then make it up to her' Rory scoffed, walking away sick of the bloody argument.

- - -

'So. I need a date for this stupid dinner thing next month' John said as he cornered Clara at the coffee shop that morning. He wanted to make amends with her because he really did feel bad and shit about some of the things he said to her.

He knew he had been invited to a dinner where he could potentially win an award for being successful in his job - even though he feels like he might die - but he knew he had to go. 

He also knew that he didn't want to be showing off to Clara who currently hates him - but she hasn't technically broken up with him - so he feels like he might be able to make this up to her.

He knew that Clara had been ignoring his texts for a few days - especially seeing as he freaked out a little more than he really should have when he found out about the whole stripper thing - but to be fair to him it was a bit of a shock to find out that his girlfriend was into that sort of thing.

They hadn't made up yet - he had tried going round the night of the argument but seeing as she slammed the door in his face he figured it wasn't going well.

'Is that your subtle way of asking me on a date? Aren't we still in a bit of an argument?' Clara asked nonchalantly, pushing him out of the way and scoffing towards the lift.

'Come on Clara. I'm sorry. But I really don't want to go on my own' he mumbled. 'I've got a suit and everything'

'And what about the kids? They can't come to a party, with drinking and things' she uttered.

'I've already sorted Rory and Amy. Rory doesn't come to this because he's a nurse not a Doctor and said he'd happily watch all three of them. Please' John begged now.

He really wanted her to come with him. Especially since all the other Doctor's he knows at other hospitals are going as dates.

'I'll pay for a dress' he said which perked her up a little.


'If it will make you happy again?' He begged, cupping her face and pushing her up against the wall of the lift. He gently kissed her and she smiled into the kiss.

'What's the budget?' She asked eyebrow raised. She was definitely trying to make John pay for what he said. If she didn't live him so much and he wasn't the father of one of her children - he would so be out on his ear.

'Looking pretty?' He tried. 'Which you always do' he pouted kissing her again as the lift dinged and handed her his bank card.

'Your not yet forgiven... But it's a good start'

'Agreed' he said stealing a quick kiss before running off to the ward where he had loads of things to do and finish up before the day was done.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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