Chapter 18 - "Too Much..."

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Chapter 18 - "Too Much..."

The screams were ear piercing and something that John just did not want to hear.

In fact it was a sound that none of them wanted to hear but it was too late.

John halted still as soon as he saw the car clip her side and she landed on the ground after having flown a little through the air.

She was such a tiny little thing that even the force of a 20mph car would have knocked her off her feet and this guy had to be driving at almost 28mph mood not 30.

The silence was deafening for a a good 15 seconds before everyone was freaking out and running around like headless chickens but all John could do was stare.

Steve stood back in complete shock about what had just happened and Rosie wasn't saying a word.

It took an excess 15 seconds for everything around him to click in and realise what the hell has just happened, before his legs took off faster than he thought they could actually carry his entire body, falling to the ground right next to the 4 year olds body.

He just looked in awe at everything that was presented in front of him. Not only was she conscious, but she was crying and covered in blood and cares all at the same time.

'We don't need a Fucking audience' John yelled at everyone around that were crowding the area as they didn't really step back. 'Richard go and get a trolly'


'I couldn't give two shits right now just get a trolly' he yelled, looking down and managing to roll her onto her back where she cried out and this pierced through his heart.

He didn't think that his life could get any worse than the previous day but it didn't look like Tuesday was going to live up to expectation either.

'Alright Adie. It's okay. It's all going to be okay' John lied, knowing that the only way through crisis is to just lie to make them feel better.

'I -- i just didn't see her coming. She came out of nowhere' the driver said.

John didn't blame the man in the slightest. He only blamed two people and those two people hadn't even come to see how she is.

'Rory' John breathed, as he appeared in front of him with a trolly and they immediately lifted the crying and shaking little girl onto the trolly and Rory looked in utter shock.

'Don't ask' John scoffed, as he looked down and Adie grabbed his hand.

'I don't want to live with Mummy, Daddy' she cried not wanting to let go of his hand.

'I promise sweetheart that is the least of our worries right now' he said kissing her forehead that was dripping blood everywhere but right now he just didn't care. 'Straight though to the ED' John yelled.

- - -

'John. What we got?' Martha asked noticing them come rushing in.

'4 year old girl. Adie. Hit by a car that must have been going at, at least 30mph. Hit her head but conscious at the scene. Possibly broken wrist and query neck injury. Happened just now out in the car park'

'Right. Okay, let's get her through to Resus then' Martha said pushing the trolly through.

'Let's run x- Rays. Full body CT scan. Get a blood transfusion ready and a head and neck scan. Blood tests and an abdominal scan' John said pulling the stethoscope from around his neck and listening to her chest as Martha cut the top off her. 'Now' John yelled.

'Good to know we're cutting the cue for small kids ' Jack joked.

'She's his daughter' Rory scoffed.

'It hurts. Daddy it hurts' she cried with sad eyes and real tears as she looked at him.

'I know it does. It's okay' he promised, looking for a vein in her hand and inserting the IV.

At least she was easy to find because in younger kids that's a challenge in itself.

John looked up as they rolled the trolly away and saw Martha look towards him and mouthed the word Daddy?

'It's a long story. Just get her to x Ray' John snapped.

He stormed out of the room and straight to the computer, typing in the computer.

'What's her Doctors name Rosie?' John asked fighting with his computer to try and get it to do what he wanted but it was being ridiculous and seeing as John had the patience of a strand of grass right now it wasn't happening.

'I don't know. Some place at home'

'What's her blood type?'

'No normal person knows that' Rosie scoffed. 'And you don't know it so don't go giving me a lecture'

'She lives with you' John scolded, pulling up her file and reading through, looking for blood type but also looked at previous admissions to the hospital. 'She broke her collar bone back in April?'

'So what? Kids break bones all the time' she shrugged.

'How does a 4 year old break their collar bone?'

'She just did okay. Now let me see her' Rosie demanded.

'You really think that's going to happen right now?' John scolded as he went up towards x ray. 'What's happening!' John yelled as Rosie followed him to the trolly.

They had just obviously come out of x ray.

'She can't breathe John' Rosie squeaked. It was evident that this had all gotten real to Rosie and it was probing to be too much for John right now.

'Move will you' John snapped taking the iPad out of Rory's hand. 'Her lung has collapsed. She needs a chest drain' John pointed out, as they pushed her back to the ward.

'A chest what?' Rosie yelled.

'Please for gods sake please just take this woman to the relatives room and get her the hell out of my hair' John yelled.

- - -

'I promise I'm going to make sure that your okay' John said as he looked Adie right in the eye who was crying so much he really didn't know what else he could do to help her.

She couldn't breathe and that was evident to anyone and everyone, as Martha decided to take the role of doing the chest drain leaving John to hold Adie's hand and comfort her as best he can.

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