Chapter 42 - "Not going Anywhere..."

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Chapter 42 - "Not going Anywhere..."


'Sorry. Go back to sleep. I just wanted to see how he was' John smiled as he thought about the fact that he has a son.

There was a great sense of pride about it.

He wished he had, had more time to prepare. Maybe bought a couple of things for him, but he knew there was time for that.

'He's due a feed. You can do it if you want?' Clara suggested knowing that she would have all the time in the world to feed him and that John had never really done it before.

It still baffled Clara about John's marriage... But she hoped that she would have time to find out about that.

'Really? I'm pretty sure I need boobs for that?' John joked.

Clara grinned. 'That would only be the case if I was I breast feeding... Which I'm not'


'Because I'm my own person and don't want to breast feed. I don't and won't be talked into it by the stupid maternity staff'

'I'm beginning to think your a little stubborn' John smirked, as he lifted the fussy baby boy into his arms and placed the bottle in his mouth.

'I thought you said all your friends were throwing some kind of party thing in the pub?' Clara yawned.

'They are. But It's not really something I could be asked to go to. So decided to come and see you guys instead' John smiled. 'For being 3 weeks early... He's not afraid to eat' John chuckled. 'He'll catch up with other babies in no time'

'Why are you here though? I mean you have no obligation. We had one night and I was stupid enough to get myself pregnant. You don't have to stay. You could walk away now and not look back'

'Hey. The baby boy I'm holding in my arms right now is the reason I'm here. And the woman that is in front of me. The woman that unfortunately wouldn't answer my calls but that I am completely head over heels for'

'Your just saying that because you have to' she said.

It was clear to Clara that there's no way a fancy consultant in a big hospital would want anything to do with her.

Shes just the pathetic doctor who can't even stitch straight anymore and got stabbed by her ex boyfriend.

'Your not going to make a habit of spending the lead up to Christmas in the hospital are you?' John smirked. 'This time last year and you were here. Look at everything you've done and how much better off you are in a year'

'I guess' she shrugged.

'Can I come and stay over Christmas?' John asked taking a bold step.

He placed Ollie in the cot by the side of the bed having fed and burped him successfully and rocked him back to sleep, and sat on the side of the bed.

'Why? I barely know you' she whispered downwards, twiddling her thumbs. 'You barely know me'

'I'd like to get to know you. I'd like to get to know you a lot... If you'll let me' he said cupping her face and gently planting a small kiss on her lips.

'You would still want to go out with me after I ignored your phone calls for almost 9 months?'

'Shockingly yes. Because I'm hooked with you. And no matter what our status is. Lovers. Fuck buddy's. Partners. That little boy is always going to keep me around' he said, making Clara want to cry.

'I don't have much. We don't even have a Christmas tree. How pathetic is that? I have a one year old and we don't even have a Christmas tree 3 days before Christmas' Clara said.

'You leave that to me. I'm going to make this the best Christmas ever' he smiled, placing a small kiss on the temple of Clara's head and left the room. 'I'm going home. But I'll be back in the morning' he smiled assuringly.

- - -

'Hey there buddy' John said to the cat as he stepped into the house after a very long day and realised that he didn't have to go back to work for quite some time.

He felt a small sense of relief about that actually.

He collapsed onto the sofa as the cat pounced onto his lap waiting for John to make a fuss of him, so John thread his fingers through the black and white fur listening to the cat purr in his lap.

He wasn't sure what to do in this moment.

He wasn't sure what he had just done.

He had just invited himself to a girl that he's slept with once for Christmas because she had just given birth to his baby.

This was all such a mess.

But he wasn't lying when he said that he would give them the best Christmas ever.

He figured that tomorrow is December 22nd and before he goes to the hospital to get them and see them that he would go shopping and grab a couple of bits.

- - -

'Okay, so your seriously going to spend Christmas with a woman you barely know over me?' Rory scoffed as he held the ladder bellow John as he rummaged around in Rory's loft.

Seeing as John has a small flat he doesn't have a loft so stores all his stuff in Rory's loft.

'Yes. I want to spend Christmas with my son'

'I'm still not convinced he's your kid. If you were stupid enough to sleep with her then she'll know full well how much money you have and that your not poor' Rory scoffed.

'I'm not poor. And I don't deny that. Which is why I'm trying to find this damn tree. What the Fuck did you do with it man?'

'It's where you put it last year' Rory yelled up as John pulled the torch out of his pocket and noticed that it was where he left it last year but Rory had dumped a whole lot of shit on top of it since then.

'Dude. You haven't used this barbecue in three years. Maybe it's time to rid of it?' John suggested.

'No way man. I might want it at some point' Rory scoffed as John climbed down and saw Adie run into the room.

'Daddy. Amy took me to see the park and there was santa' she said excitedly.

'Sounds like you two had a good afternoon then' John smirked. 'Right. I'm off to the hospital' John smiled taking Adie's hand.

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