Chapter 11 - "Eviction Notice..."

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Chapter 11 - "Eviction Notice..."

'Right you. My office' John snapped, pulling Rosie off of Steve's mouth and pushed her practically towards the office. 'You as well' John demanded at the dragon as he huffed and follows suit. 'Jen? Can you watch Adie for me please? Just for half an hour?' John begged as she nodded.

'John what the hell is all this about?' Rosie asked innocently dropping to the chair the other side of John's desk.

John sighed internally and externally, unbuttoning the first two buttons on his shirt for some air flow and dropping the stethoscope on the desk.

He had been doing research for months and months and was glad that he finally had plucked up the courage to do something he had wanted to do for s long time.

He wished he had a little more time to prepare and knock up a speech but she was here now and who knew when the next time was that he would see her.

So he pulled a folder out of the draw and handed her a white envelope, addressed to where she lived.

'Send it in the post. What is it anyway?' Rosie scoffed.

'Your eviction notice' John said as plain as day not sugar coating around anything.

'Out what?' Steve stuttered as Rosie ripped into the envelope reading it over and almost screamed bloody murder at John.

'Your throwing us out? Your actually kicking us out on the 31st of January?' She snapped.

'Ill have the lawyers round there that day. I'm not harsh so they won't be round until six o clock - that's all day to move your shit out' John said, shrugging.

'You can't evict us. Where would we live?' Rosie demanded.

'Don't know and quite frankly I don't really care. That's your problem. I only have to pay for rent and a roof over your head until Adie is 4 - which she is and was last month so I've given you a little leeway there anyway. Get out or I'll make you get out' John said proud.

He wanted his money back - and by selling his house he was close enough to getting back what he lost in the divorce.

'How are we supposed go live?'

'Get a job' John scoffed. 'A real Fucking job, not one where you pretend to go in for a few hours... And as for him - well I don't think he would know what a days work was if it hit him in the Fucking face'

'He's been sighed off' she pointed out.

'Not my problem. Go to the council' John suggested. 'Claim your poor and I'm sure you'll make some money somewhere along the line' John shrugged.

'And your Daughter? Where the hell is she going to live? Because I know you won't really let her live out on the streets. I know you John and I know that will never happen' Rosie sodded refusing to believe any of this rubbish.

'Of you don't have anywhere to live by your eviction date then she'll have to come and stay with me until you do. But only her so I suggest that if you don't want to live on the streets or risk loosing custody over your daughter then you find a place to live asap' John smiled. 'Oh and medically she needs to come in for a check up tomorrow' John lied. 'She doesn't leave without seeing me'

- - -

John was sure the days were getting longer.

In fact no... He was sure the weeks were getting longer.

He stepped inside his flat and felt like sleeping wouldn't be enough to relieve the tension he was feeling right now.

He didn't even think that sex would be enough to relieve the tension that he was going to through right now - so knocking one out in the shower wasn't really the answer.

He was just about to start chopping some peppers - deciding that a stir fry and the smells of different vegetables might help a little - when there was a tap at the front door scaring the life out of him.

'Fuck' he cried piercing this skin of his finger with the frankly quite sharp knife.

'John we know your in there. We just want to talk' said the Scottish voice so either he was being stalked by Scottish people or it was Amy of whom he would rather not see right now.

'Hold on' John yelled out, witnessing the blood now all over the chopping board, grabbing a tea towel which would have to do for now until he could find a plaster - of which he was pretty sure even being a professional Doctor he didn't have one of, and wrapped it around his hand, swearing at the same time. 'What do you want?'

'We've just come to check up on you. We just wanted to know if your alright?'

'I don't need checking up on Amy. I'm more than capable of looking after myself' John scoffed. He knew that she cared, he really did.

He just wished they would care a little more from a far rather than on his case all the time.

'We worry about you John' was all Amy said, looking at John with said eyes as John had the rant of the day he has wanted to have in quite some time.

'Well you should do. Beside the fact that worrying about a patient for some reason far more than I have ever worried about any other patient, and am really concerned about where the Fuck her baby is going to go whilst she's in hospital, and even more concerned about her slipping into a comma. After hiding from my Boss in the lift going up and down int he lift for 30 minutes so I didn't have to cross paths with him, my day gets loads better by my Fucking ex wife turning up at my work place with my daughter who tried to get herself admitted to hospital to see her ass hole of a Dad - then evicting my wife from my house practically inviting my estranged 4 year old daughter to come and live with me making my life 20 times more complicated - then yeah I'm alright but I'm pretty sure I'm not' he ranted collapsing on the chair at the island. 'And to top my shit day off I just went and sliced my finger which pretty much just sums up my life right now'

'Wow. And to think my next question was going to ask how your day has been?' Amy muttered.

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