Chapter 33 - "Clash..."

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Chapter 33 - "Clash..."

'I need fluids and adrenaline and can someone get me the machine' John yelled, still running compressions on the table, as she was wheeled in. 'Come on I haven't got all day' John yelled jumping off and rolling his eyes at the nurse.

He assumed her to be a new nurse who had no idea who John was.

'Sir we can take it from here' she muttered awkwardly as John snatched the IV from her hand and injected the adrenaline.

'I can't assure you that I am just fine' John snapped. 'Charge to 100' he said watching as the monitor beeped in rhythm. 'Okay. Let's ventilate her and get he straight up to the heart ward. There really is no time to waste' John said, motioning to Rory who went off to call ahead.

John grabbed the tube, running it down her throat and pumped the oxygen. He was rather proud of his quick work actually.

'He just came blundering in on a trolly and started messing around with the equipment' the nurse said as he realised someone had ratted on him.

'You know me and snitches don't really get along' John said, taking the iPad out of the other woman's hand. He assumed this was the registrar otherwise it would be a hell of a coincidence. 'Let's book an CT scan on route. I'm pretty sure there is some organ damage' John said, tapping away at the iPad and went towards the desk.

'That's staff only behind there. I don't appreciate people blundering onto my ward and messing around with the flow. In fact I find you rather rude. I can see your clearly good at your job but you should not talk to my nurse--'

'You mean my nurses. And my Ward?' John asked finding a pen, and tapping away at the computer.


'John Smith. Consultant. This is my ward and they are my nurses' John pointed out as the woman was agasp and muttered something to the nurse.

John just stood up having got what he needed and went to his office. 'What the hell is this?' He snapped looking at all the colour and pretty things hung around the office.

'Just a bit of decoration' she smiled enthusiastically now knowing that this guy was clearly an egotistical maniac.

'Take it down. If it's not gone by the time I get back from the heart ward I'll report it as a health and safety breech' John said stepping off the ward.

- - -

'Who the hell does he think he is? Everyone here talks about him like he's a god. What about him is a god? He didn't even ask my name'

'He's a great guy. Best Doctor around here' Rory said. 'Once you get to know him you'll like him' Rory promised, helping the woman clear up.

'He just comes blundering into the ward like an idiot. An hour late mind you. And thinks he literally owns the place' she scoffed.

'I apologise for being late. I'll take full responsibility for that. But I'm back now. So any problems come by me' John smiled.

He had to admit to feeling a whole lot better after having had a shave in the bathrooms and changing his clothes.

He felt a little more fresh.

'What's your name? I'm assuming your my temp?' John asked.

'Lauren. Lauren Maple'

'Well then Doctor Maple'

'Just Lauren' she said annoyed at this idiot.

'Well then just Lauren. Let me know if you need anything' John smiled, settling back into his office chair, having missed it a lot more than he would like to admit.

- - -

'What do we do Lauren? She needs chest drain' the nurse that seems to be on Lauren's hip said.

'Yeah I can see that, let's get an x ray and make sure'

'Lauren there's no time for an x ray' Rory scoffed, looking at the patient who was struggling to breathe.

'Right. Okay. Then I'll just have to do it'

'You can't. You know you've been banned from practise' Rory said looking at her. 'Beverly go and page John' Rory instructed. 'Go'

'We can't. I can do this. It's a medical emergency' she shrugged, taking the knife and piercing the mans chest, and began to force the tube through his chest.

'BP is still dropping' Rory said in a panic looking at the monitor.

Lauren panicked herself looking down at the drain that wasn't relieving any pressure off his lung and was now leaking blood.

'I'll get John'

'No I can do this' she yelled as Rory took a step back not wanting to get involved in this but pages John again who thankfully appeared, as ran towards them.

'What's happening?' John asked, feeling the chest and looking at the tube.

'I-- I don't know' Lauren stuttered.

'It's a some chest drain' Rory snapped at her as she widened her eyes.

'I really don't know what I did. I just did what you do' she said frightened for herself and her job now.

'You forced the tube. Caused a bleed. Okay. Get him through to theatre. Get some fluid in' John said pulling the tube out and re inserting it the way it should be inserted. 'Harmless mistake. He'll be fine' John said tapping her shoulder and going into theatre as Rory gave her a funny look.

'If you don't tell him. I will' Rory scoffed.

- - -

'Wait. Hold up. Are you trying to tell me that you attempted a chest drain on a patient not knowing how to do one? Your a registrar. Why can't you do one?'

'I can. I'm just not allowed. The last one I did just didn't end well okay. But I swear I didn't mean to cause a problem' Lauren said.

'If he complains you realise he has a good argument for negligence. And it could loose you your job?'

'I know' she stuttered.

'Do you? Because it turns out that my senior registrar of whom has been running my ward for 4 months can't even do a simple task of a chest drain?'

'It's not like that I swear'

'Get out of my sight' John snapped at her. This was not the way he expected the day to go.

'Welcome back to hell John'

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