Chapter 16 - "Runaway..."

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Chapter 16 - "Runaway..."

Your going to need a lot of help when your discharged Clara. Is there anyone you can live with?'

'Not really. I'm on my own' she said as John gently pulled the sleeping baby out of the car seat and handed her over to her mother. 'Your an expert' Clara giggled, watching the way this floppy haired man handled her Daughter.

'Don't know how? I never even saw my daughter as a baby'

'You have a child?'

'Yeah. She's 4'

'So your married?'

'Was married' John confirmed.

'Sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that. It's personal' Clara stuttered.

'It's okay. I don't mind really' John said sitting down on the chair next to the bed. 'You don't mind if I sit do you?' John asked with a yawn.

'No. Go for it' Clara smiled, she liked the company and she liked this man. 'You look like you could do with 40 winks'

'Hmm' he agreed shutting his eyes. He had never been so up front with a patient or so forward with talking to one but he was finding Clara really easy to talk too.

'Well you are the hero of the hour. No one can blame you for being tired' she smiled, as John snapped his eyes open.

'You read the paper?'

'No. Who reads the paper? I read the Internet' she chuckled, as the baby stretched in her arms but she felt a stab of pain so decided she had, had enough. 'Could you take her?'

'Course' John smiled, taking the stretching baby from Clara's arms and stroked her cheek.

He didn't know quite what to do with this infant but found himself quite taken by her.

She reminded him of Adie. He only got to hold her twice while she was a baby and the next time he saw her she was one.

That was probably a lot to do with him and the fact that he was married to his job but it was also a terrible time with court cases and lawyers to pay, and statements to settle so every time he would see Rosie she never bought the baby with her.

He realised he had probably crossed a line and gently placed her back in the seat, and smiled. 'Sorry. Didn't meant to get caught up'

'It's okay. She doesn't really like new people so I'm surprised the crèche haven't handed her back to me yet' Clara chuckled.

'Want me to take her back?' John asked, as Clara felt really light headed which John knew was the pain killers now kicking in and making her want to sleep.

'Yeah. Thanks' she mumbled.

'Not a problem. If you need anything just buzz'

'Actually could you be here when my friend picks her up tomorrow?'

'Of course. I'm on an early again so I'll be here' he nodded, stepping out of the room and headed back to the crèche with Aria.

'God John. You know your not supposed to visit the crèche unless you have a kid in there. Seems a bit creepy even for you' Jack tutted making a joke.

'Not funny Jack. And anyway you don't have a child in the crèche - what are you doing here?' John scoffed.

'Do you listen to nothing I say? My little nephew is spending the week with me so actually he is in the crèche' Jack confirmed.

'Right' John mumbled actually recollecting that conversation, then he spotted Rosie from a distance. 'Hold on. I just have to go and sort something out' John said walking away from Jack. 'I thought you were coming back at one?'

'Well it is 1.17pm John' she huffed.

'Shit' he fitted. Where did the time go? 'Look I've written you a check for a grand but that's the last your having out of me and you still have to be out of that house by January 31st' John said, as Rosie looked over his shoulders and around the general area. 'Are you even listening?'

'Yes. Money, great. Look you haven't seen Adie have you?' She asked nervously.

'Why would I know where our 4 year old is? She's with you' John said, but then realised why she was looking around him so much. 'Have you lost her? What the Fuck she's your daughter' John yelled at her.

'I can't keep an eye on all of her movements' she tried defending herself.

'She's 4 years old. It's your job to track all her movements' John yelled again, looking around just as she was. 'So help me if anything has happened to her she is not coming home with you' John scolded.

'You don't mean that. You couldn't look after a child if it slapped you in the face'

'I wouldn't loose her. So that would be a good place to start' John said.

'Instead of arguing about it you could try looking for her' Steve suddenly piped up. John hadn't even noticed Steve was present until that moment,
And as much as John hated the man he made a good point.

Although he wasn't exactly putting in a massive effort to look for the poor kid.

'Richard. Officer Madden. There's a little girl gone missing. 4 years old' John said. 'Answers to Avalyn or Adie'

'I'm going to need a description to know who to look out for' Richard said and John was stumbled at that.

He couldn't even describe his own daughter. He had no idea her interests, or favourite things. She didn't know if she was funny or dramatic. If she liked pink over blue.

He had no idea about his own Daughter. And that was embarrassing to him.

'I'll go and look out the back for her' he grumbled, while Rosie smugly stepped forward to give a description of Adie.

- - -

John kicked his feet wandering the back of the hospital. He was looking for Adie but he felt ridiculous.

What the hell was he doing with his life he couldn't even look after his own daughter?

He had no idea what she was like. She could be completely like John but he wouldn't know because the last time be saw her it was over camera.

He clapped eyes on her yesterday for the first time in three months and had no idea until that moment that she had green eyes like his.

'Daddy' Avia shouted, looking up from the behind the tree she was sitting in which was really close to the main road.

He was hoping to God that she had some road safety knowledge because she would have crossed a main road to get here.

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