Chapter 13 - "Red Lights..."

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Chapter 13 - "Red Lights...

'I'm sorry-- I-- I didn't mean to do that' she said apologetically but she really had a lot less things to worry about right now.

'It's fine. I get it all the time' he said removing the shirt and putting his fleece back on top of his chest zipping it up to his neck and holding the girls wrist.

'Right what we got?' Someone said and then looked at John. 'John Smith, fancy seeing you here?' Jasmine grinned staring at John in a moment of madness.

'Small world. 19 year old female. Names Sophie. Query appendicitis. Collapsed about 20 minutes ago but seems to be doing okay' John said watching Max climb on board.


'Already done that' Jasmine confirmed, as they boarded the poor girl and got her within 30 minutes of arriving on the back of the ambulance. 'What you doing?' She asked John in shock as he climbed into the back of the ambulance.

'My job. I've got to finish what I started' he said glancing at his wrist, noting the time to be 12 minutes passed midnight.

So Tuesday was off to a great start.

- - -

'Any chance you could slow down? I might vomit myself back here' John scoffed trying to hold that Chinese in his system as the ambulance broke the speed limit several times.

'No can do John. It's part of the job' she flirted, by passing more than one red light making John regret not picking up the already puked on shirt. He figured that he could have vomited in that himself.

'Her Sats are dropping Jas. Pick up the pace' Max shouted.

'No were not getting any faster. We must be driving at 80mph' John squeaked.

'I'm interested to see how you drive on the motorway. We're just about touching 70 John' Jasmine chuckled, making John squirm.

He couldn't stand the woman. 

Not in a horrible way. She was perfectly pleasant enough, with her funny ways and long blonde hair, but not John's type and not someone that John would want to spend his evening with.

He had already rejected her ask on a date 6 times and he was afraid she was never going to get the point.

He couldn't think of anything worse that going on a date with that woman.

'I drive within the speed limit, typically below 50 so I don't puke' he responded stepping out of the ambulance looking he was sure a little green, but came out of his zone when he noticed the girls sats were dropping even further.

So he took the back of the trolley and headed to the Emergency department where he barged in like a bad smell.

'John?' Martha stuttered.

'Not now. Just get me to theatre with her and could someone find me a shirt?' He snapped hoping that he wouldn't have to go stark naked in theatre.

- - -

'How you feeling?' John asked looking at the teenager who was coming out of a daze, and stared across at the man who was in front of her like it was all some kind of bad dream.

'Like a cloud' she said making John smirk. He'd heard that one before.

'You'll be glad to know that your pesky appendix has been removed by the likes of my amazing talent and that if you hadn't have ignored the signs you probably wouldn't have ended up like that' John joked but scolded at the same time.

'I just thought it was gas or something' she said. 'I didn't want to waist mine or anybody else's time' she said innocently.

'Well your alive and in a few days will be back to normality' he chuckled, walking away.

'Thank you. I really appreciate what you did. If you hadn't have been there I probably would have been dead' she smiled.

'Not a problem. Just doing my job' he smiled at her, heading to the locker room and sighed as he looked at the time. 7.07am.

He was due into work on a shift in two hours.

Good job he was already there he guessed.

He shook his head and went onto the ward having not got a wink of sleep but figured he might be able to take a two hour catnap on his office chair - either that or take a catnap in the broom cupboard later.

'John. Your early?' Jack joked.

'Don't even start with me Jack. I'm not in the mood this morning' John snapped, leaving the ward from all the people so he could at least get some breakfast.

He figured he was going to need it because if Tuesday was going to be anything like yesterday - then it was going to be another very long day.

So he headed out of the hospital to grab some breakfast at the closest cafe on his own when of course he bumps into a woman.

So his day really wasn't off to a great start then.

'I -- I am so sorry. God that was so stupid of me. I wasn't paying any attention at all' John stammered completely embarrassed.

'No it's okay' the brunette in front of him smirked. 'Your all good. Seems like more of my coffee got on you than me anyway'

John looked at her confused and then looked down at his shirt. 'Huh. That is a first. Coffee on my shirt has to be somewhat better than sick I suppose' John said nodding his head, and looked at her again.

'Do you vomit a lot? Or do you just pay someone else?' She chuckled.

'It's a sickness. Literally' John laughed back. 'Can I get you another coffee?' He asked graciously.

'Nah. It's okay. I can survive a morning without coffee'

'I insist. What you having?' John asked leading the way to the hospital refractory and motioned her to follow. 'Just and Americano. Two sugars' ahe smiled awkwardly sitting down at the closest two seater table and took her bag off her shoulder.

She was kind of nervous really. She hadn't really sat with a guy that spilt coffee on her to often.

'Here' John smiled sitting down opposite her, handing her the coffee. 'So what's your name?'

'Lilly. You?'

'John' he sighed, and they settled in for a pretty decent conversation, over spilt coffee.

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