Chapter 37 - "Groundhog Day..."

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Chapter 37 - "Groundhog Day..."


'Do you ever feel like Rory that your life is going around in ever revolving circles?' John asked as he approached Rory in the locker room.


John had asked some questions that were leading to an existential crisis before but this one was different. This one made Rory concerned.

'You know. Get up. Go to work. Have dinner. Go to bed. Like a never ending Groundhog Day over and over. I kind of feel like my life is like that at the moment' John muttered, placing the stethoscope around his neck and headed out onto the ward. 'I feel like something big is going to happen that might change my life'

'God your so depressing lately dude'

- - -

'Clara? Where are you going?' Lilly asked as she followed Clara out of the flat.

'Could you just get Aria to my Dads please. There's something very wrong here' Clara said as she stared down at the puddle between her legs.

'Your waters have broken?'

'I don't know. I'm only 37 weeks. How is this possible?'

'37 weeks is perfectly possible and reasonable to have a baby Clara. Oh god we'd better get you to the hospital' Lilly panicked.

'I'm fine. I can get myself to the hospital' Clara scoffed as she pushed past Lilly and stood outside. 'Just get Aria to my Dads. Something doesn't feel right here' she said.

'It's 9 in the morning. You can't just wander into a hospital and say you think your having a baby' Lilly shouted but it was too late because Clara was stubborn and had already gone.

'You can do that at any time of the day. I'm having a Fucking baby'

- - -

'Oh my god' Rory cried as he saw someone tapping the button of the lift desperately trying to get in one.

People were just pushing past her because she seemed to be in pain. You'd think that someone would have stopped to help?

'What?' John asked following Rory's gaze towards the woman who was standing by the lift. 'Oh my god' John said walking towards her, smiling on the inside and then noticed that it only was she here in front of him - but she was heavily pregnant.

'Oh hell no. She put you through so much shit. You can't seriously be considering going to talk to her?' Rory snapped as they got some coffee from the barrister.

'She's in pain Rory. You don't expect me to just leave her' John said walking towards he woman and clearing the path for the lift.

'John for your own good stay away from her. I would say that she is probably heading to maternity in pain. Just leave her alone' Rory begged. He really didn't want the fall out of last time to be repeated.

'Don't be stupid. I'm a doctor and can help Rory' John scoffed, heading towards where Clara was standing.

'John?' Clara asked, looking at him.

'Yeah. John Smith. I treated you last Christmas and then slept with you several times back at the beginning of the year?'

'John. John smith. Wow. Did not plan on seeing your here' she panted, as he gave her a look with a raised eyebrow. 'Although you work here still I guess so I should have known'

'You okay?'

'If you count being in labour okay then yeah I'm just fine' she panted once again. 'At least I think I'm in labour'

'Labour? You can't be anymore than 7 months pregnant' John said as if she was joking but she was dead serious.

'I'm 8 and a half months actually'

'Really? You don't look a day past 6' John joked as they stepped into the lift together.

'Why are you getting in? Your going the other way?' She scoffed as she closed her eyes for a moment sure that it was a contraction.

'I'm not going to leave a heavily pregnant woman who is most definitely in labour in the lift to go up to maternity on her own. I'll come with you' he muttered, trying to be a good gentleman about the whole thing.

'I don't need babysitting' she scoffed - and didn't really want him here. She knew full well that if he was around while she was giving birth then he would involvement.

The fact that Clara has just told John that she was 8 and a half months pregnant hadn't really registered in John's mind at the moment - because it was exactly 8 and a half months ago since they had slept together.

It was when Clara screamed in agony that John panicked because as she did the whole loft jolted and went completely black for a moment.

'Shit this hurts' was all Clara could gasp out through the haze of being in labour and being in absolute agony but John was more concerned about the creaking sound that the lift was making as the emergency generator and back up lights kicked in.

'Bloody hell. This is not good' John said dropping his bag and pressed randomly on buttons hoping that one of them might make a difference but it was no use. The lift was stuck where it was.

'John? What the Fuck is going on?'

'Looks like the lift is stuck' John mumbled.

'Don't say things like that to me. It can't be stuck' Clara panted as the generator flickered like I'm a creepy horror movie kind of way.

The only thing that John could think to do was press the emergency call button and hope that they wouldn't be stuck in here together for too long. But decided he was going to take this opportunity to get some answers.

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