Chapter 21 - "Wednesday..."

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Chapter 21 - "Wednesday..."

'John for gods sake go home' Rory demanded as John dumped some files on his desk and slouched on it, logging into his computer.

'I will. As soon as they leave and I e sorted out Clara' he said browsing through. 'Infection. No surprise there really. Can you change her IV to that medication' he said pointing at one. 'Three times a day for now. Oh and get maternity down here' John yelled.

He wanted to take a breather for a second but figured the sooner he sorts all this out the sooner he could go home.

He was so close to Wednesday that he could feel it. He just so wanted a break. But he had already decided that as soon as Adie is ready to be discharged he was going to take some leave.

Just a month. Maybe six weeks at the most and sort some things out.

'So not too much to my surprise the cause of the vomiting would be an infection. You went back to work too early and strained yourself - just a water infection but now your down to one kidney your body is struggling' he sighed.

'When can I go?'


'When can I leave?'

'I told you. It's not going to be before Christmas' John pointed out once again.

'I need to get out of here. It's been 4 days. I can't hang around forever' she groaned, now plotting ways to escape the hospital anyway.

'Clara you've now for an infection that if it goes untreated you might never be able to have kids again. So please for your own sake just stay put until we've treated that now and then I will sort out your discharge I promise' he nodded.

He had had enough of the day now so after checking on Adie and making sure that Rosie had disappeared with the step dragon he finally went home.

- - -

It had to have been 48 hours since John had been home.

He hadn't been able to properly sleep in 48 hours either, and didn't even get changed when he got back to his flat. He just collapsed on the bed face planting it and drifting off to sleep in minutes.

When he woke up it wasn't to the sound of a beeping alarm. It wasn't to the sound of a beeping pager.

It was the sound of a tapping at the front door.

He figured he could ignore it, curling up and going back to sleep, with the cat purring away at his ear, which he tends to find quite peaceful and rather soothing in some sense, but the knocking persisted.

So he grumbled noting that the time was early afternoon and that he should rally head back to the hospital for Adie. He hadn't even thought about the fact that his Daughter was moving in with him now and that the spare room looks like a bombshell hit it.

There wasn't even a bed in there.

'Yes?' John scoffed rudely kind of regretting it when he saw the police officer the other side.

He thought it was some kind of joke, but this officer was genuinely looking at him. 'Mr Smith?'

'Yeah' he responded. 'Can I help?'

'We've been informed that a patient of yours has gone missing and we were wondering if they had contacted you?'

Missing? Who?' John said really missing the obvious. 'Oh my god Clara'

'Yes. Miss Oswald. She was last seen by officer Madden at 10 o clock last night but hasn't been seen since. We were one seeing she had come into contact with you?'

'No. I haven't seen her but if she's walked off the ward she's in danger. God we've got to find her' John said grabbing his keys.

He had t changed his jeans in two days now.

'It's Fucking freezing out there and your telling me that she's been missing for over 12 hours now?'


'Fuck me. Have you checked her address?'

'We've checked her address and her Dads. The baby has gone as well' he said.

'Oh my god. What person in their right mind hands a baby over to a woman who is in a hospital gown? What the hell is wrong with people' John scolded, as the police car pulled up at the hospital, and John ran for the ED. 'Rory please just watch Adie for me and tell her I'm coming back' John said, sifting through the drugs cupboard and stuffing some stuff in an emergency bag.

'What are you doing? She's not your problem John'

'She's my patient and it was me who lost her, her job. She is risking everything right now. Rejection, multiple organ failure and infection' John yelled, rushing past the police man who was following him around.

John grabbed a clean shirt from his locker, and headed down to the paramedic station to get another bag stuffed with blankets.

'I'll call if I find her' John days taking the mans number and handed him his. John was determined to find this stupid woman.

He had already lost one patient from all this, was not loosing another. Plus it's December 20th and he doesn't want this woman dying out on the streets at Christmas.

Maybe he should have explained more to her about the recovery. About how it was going to be a long process but the loads of other shit came up and he completely forgot about her.

If anything this was all his fault, and if there was one thing John was pretty good at - it was blaming himself.

Turns out Wednesday was not a great day either.

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