Chapter 6 - "X-Ray..."

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Chapter 6 - "X - Ray..."

'How much longer do you plan her being on the ventilator?' Rory asked having noticed that John had completely taken over Clara's care.

'In hoping she can come off in 48 hours. We'll have to see' John said looking at how much better she looked now she was completely cleaned up.

He grabbed the ultrasound scanner and ran that around the wound and the stomach to make sure he hadn't missed anything.

'Toxicology screening came back and she's free from alcohol and drugs. She wasn't speeding so she can't be charged' Rory informed him.

'Yeah. I'm glad about that. It's not fair that he died and gets away with this while the victim suffers' John scolded sometimes hating his job.

'It's just the way it is man. We don't even know for sure what happened until she wakes up' Rory pointed out. 'Wait what's happening?' Rory asked

'Did anyone run an x Ray? Nobody has checked her back have they?'

'Umm. X Rays were done on admission' Rory said handing the iPad to John who zoomed in.

'There's pressure on her spine' John acknowledged.


'Hmm. Can you take her for an x-ray, full body. I want to see what bones are broken and see if any need to be set' he said. 'Then run some more blood samples. I don't want to risk infection' John said as they wheeled Clara out of the intensive care unit and towards x -Ray.

- - -

John huffed and sat down at the chair in his office and stared at the computer screen, browsing through his emails dreading to think when he was going to get a chance to sit down and actually do through them.

'John you busy?' Martha asked knocking on the door.

'I'm always busy but go ahead' I said leaving the emails for later.

'It's just we've got a patient who needs stitching up. We're a bit behind on the nursing staff...' She finished off leaving it hanging.

'So what your asking is if I can come out and take this patient on?' John sighed.

'He's already vomited so your in the clear there' she smirked.

'Great. I'll count my lucky stars there then' he said rolling his eyes, taking the notes and going out to the ward. 'Cubicle 8?'

She nodded as he went there and drew back the curtain, to find a man in his early 20's waiting for his head to be sewn together.

'Afternoon. I'm John. I can see here that there's no damage - and it's not too deep - so well just stitch you up and hopefully we can get you out of here' he smiled at the patient, hovering over him and started to stitch up the wound.

'John. There's some results in your office. They're on your desk' Jen said.

'Thanks Jen. Could you finish up here? Just some strips for the wound to close' John instructed, pulling the gloves off his hands and went to his desk.

'Good. No internal damage' he said happily. Although it did look like she may have fractured her bottom spine.

Nothing more than a few weeks rest which at this rate she'll be doing anyway.

'Any change?' John asked with the fresh set of results as Rory checked her vitals and John checked her pupils again.

'And pupils seem responsive. Of course I wouldn't recommended taking her off the ventilator yet. She's not making any attempts herself' Rory said awkwardly.

'I'm sure she will. Her body is adjusting to the use of one kidney and some questionable liver damage from the knife. We can't expect miracles' John said, going back to his seat in intensive care. 'Looks like quite a few broken bones though' he said giving Rory the iPad.

'Jesus. 4 broken ribs? In a car crash?'

'I would say from what the police told me... She was probably beaten up before they stabbed her. I don't know what to say' John said. 'Plus the fractured spine. Should be okay with 4 weeks of bed rest and a little rehab here' John nodded.

'And no infection, that's good news right? Bloods flowing well. Things are looking up for her'

'I hope so. I really do' John nodded.

- - -

'Officer Madden. Back again for another gruelling shift?' John chuckled, looking at him sat on he chair outside intensive care.

How is she?' Richard asked. He was feeling a bit deflated because nobody was telling him anything.

'She's doing okay. She's staying on the ventilator for another 48 hours before we try and remove it. She's not making any attempts at the moment but like I pointed out to my nurses - she's still recovering from major organ removal'

'To think a girl of that age in here because of some awful mugging'

'Mugging? I thought this was being treated as an attempted murder?'

'It's unknown really at the moment - we can't know anything until she wakes up and we can talk to her' Richard said.

'And if she doesn't?'

'Then the case would be closed most likely because both victim and attacker died. Sounds awful I know but the truth' he nodded, making John think that was just ridiculous.

He left the intensive care unit giving specific instructions that he was having tomorrow off but wouldn't be far and that if there was any change at all in her care then they were to call him immediately and that the ventilator isn't to be touched with half an hour observations.

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