Chapter 46 - "Undermined..."

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Chapter 46 - "Undermined..."

Clara breathed in deeply as she got into the locker room.

She couldn't believe that she had undermined John like that. She leant her head against the wall and bashed it against it a few times to see if it knocks any sense into her.

She had only been in this hospital on his ward for two weeks and she had already pissed him off in theatre.

'What are you doing?' John asked stepping into the locker room as well, and started shuffling through his locker.

'Just seeing if I have any sense at all' Clara scoffed, continuing to bash her head against the wall.

'Why? You've got loads of sense. You just saved a woman's life for a start' John pointed out.


'Yeah, I didn't notice it. I completely missed it and it's a good job you did spot it because otherwise she would be dead' John hummed taking a sip of his water and locked the door.

'Your not mad?'

'Why would I be mad? That's what this job is about Clara. Taking risks and saving lives. We can't all get it right all the time' he shrugged.

'God that's such a relief. I thought you might want to punch me in the guts for undermining you' Clara breathed.

'Oh I do. When your lead do whatever you like. But when I'm leading surgery I'm in charge. In this instance your call was the right call but in future don't undermine me in front of all my staff' John said, heading towards his office.

- - -

'I'm going on lunch Rory' Clara smiled, grabbing her phone from next to the computer and started texting a few people then walked past John's office, giving him a head nod.

John was curious, so stood up and followed her, after hanging up to quite an important phone call.

'I'm going on my lunch. Wanna come?' She asked.

'Rory I'm going on lunch. Page me if you need me' John shouted, following Clara as she led him up the stairs, and towards the roof. 'Where are we going?'

'Picnic' she smiled, as they got to the top floor and he found there was actually a picnic basket laid out. 'Happy Valentines day' Clara smiled excitedly.

'Bloody hell'

'What? Did you forget about Valentine's Day?' Clara asked confused but took his hand and pulled him out.

'No. Well yes. But I'll make it up to you'

'Why? Because it's weird that a girl is arranging the Valentine's Day and not you? I'm shocked Mr Smith. I thought you were all for women's rights?'

'Oh don't even get me started on woman's rights' he said, collapsing on the roof and pulling her into his lap as she giggled.

She rested her head in his chest and smiled genuinely happy for the first time in a long time.

'You know. Aria thinks your her Dad' Clara said popping a grape and then stuffing two in John's mouth.

'Really?' John asked thinking about the adorable 14 month old, that he had only seen a few times since Christmas Day. 'Why?'

'Your the first guy that's really been involved with her. Your the first guy I guess that has made her laugh' Clara shrugged.

'I'm flattered. But you might want to stop her?' John suggested not wanting to undermine Clara. John didn't mind. She obviously picked it up from Adie who she had spent several occasions with, and eventually Ollie would pick it up.

'Why? Unless you don't want her too?'

'No it's not that. I just don't want to replace the man that was her Dad. Your forgetting that it was me who stood there while he flatlined' John pointed out.

'I don't know. She likes you. I like you, and Ollie's going to call you that eventually. I guess it just makes her feel like she gets a part of you too' Clara shrugged, throwing a grape at his mouth which he expertly managed to catch, leaning back a little and chewing it, before shrugging her off his lap and kissed her.

Clara kissed back not worried in the slightest about it being only 10 degrees sitting up here on the roof but shivered just a little as he grinned her waist and straddled her.

'What's wrong? Was it the whole Dad thing because she can call me what she wants' John said.

'No it's just is Fucking freezing out here' she scoffed. 

'Oh. Here have my coat' he said shrugging it off not wanting to leave yet. Their lunch was still another 20 minutes and he was determined to make the most of those 20 minutes, by exploring every visible inch of Clara.

'Your pager is making a noise' at a said between kisses.

'And?' He mumbled into her mouth not wanting to let go.

'Normally means your wanted' Clara gasped back.

He was rather enjoying himself until Rory had to burst his bubble.

'Dude you have a pager for a reason' Rory scoffed, when he witnessed the grossness of what he was seeing in front of him. 'Fuck keep it PG'

'Is there an actual problem Rory?' John tutted.

'Yeah. Umm. The air ambulance is coming in. Man fell down a 80ft hole' Rory muttered, turning away.

'Oh grow up. It's only a few buttons. It was all innocent' John scoffed, kissing Clara once more giving her apology eyes for lunch being a bust and finishing early but figured he would make it up later.

'I'm happy for you dude. I really am but I just don't like her' Rory grumbled.


'I don't know. I don't trust her. What if she's just trying to break your heart all over again and ruin your life'

'You have got to stop being so paranoid. She's great. For the first time since that idiot ex wife of mine I'm actually happy. I might even be in love with her. I have two kids. An amazing girlfriend. My life couldn't get any better compared to what it was a few years ago'

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