Chapter 28 - "Shock Help..."

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Chapter 28 - "Shock Help..."

Clara could hear the arguing going on in the kitchen.

In fact everyone could hear the arguing and the fighting in the kitchen between Dad and Linda.

It just made things more awkward in the lounge between everyone and Clara.

The odd relative had stood up and admired Aria in her arms and said how cute and adorable the little girl is, but that was really it.

An uncle asked her when she had the baby and how old the baby was. Someone asked her what the baby's name was but that was the height of conversation, until Dad walked back in the lunge and smiled.

'So. Who wants a glass of wine?' He asked, as there was a terrible sound come down the stairs.

It sounded like she had thrown herself down the stairs which wouldn't have shocked Clara considering Linda was all about getting attention, but Dave turned around to see her tumble onto the floor.

'Linda. What on earth?' Dave scolded, as he witnessed the woman in quite some pain and blood coming from her hand as she had gone straight into the picture frame on the floor.

It was all a very dramatic moment making Clara scold jerked for even bothering with all of this, but everyone was panicking and not one person had thought to call an ambulance.

'Ambulance on New Year's Day? That could be ages and she's in distress now' Dave said, looking around the room.

In theory this was kind of the exact moment that Clara needed. She just sighed internally and probably externally by the looks she got from everyone, having them think that she really didn't care, but snapped quickly into action.

'Here Gran. Just hold Aria a moment' she said going into the hall. 'Dad move out the way. There's no point crowding her' Clara announced, and crouched down, as Linda sat up but was swearing bloody murder for Clara to get away from her.

'Don't touch me you little bitch' Linda snapped, trying to move away, but Clara just shook her head, ignoring her petty games, and felt her shoulder. 'Your hurting it' she yelled.

'Shut up' Clara scolded, and felt the arm again. 'No fracture. It's just popped outbid its socket. Dad can you find some painkillers?' Clara suggested as they all looked at her in confusion. 'Let's move her to the sofa. It'll be more comfortable'

'It's going to hurt I'm not going to lie, but it will feel better once it's done ' Clara said standing beside Linda at the edge of the sofa who was still having it out with Dave about the "little bitch" touching her.

'She's trying to hurt me Dave. Tell her to go'

'An ambulance is on its way but it's not an emergency today so it could be a couple of hours' an uncle said.

'It's alright. I can do it' Clara nodded, taking hold of her arm and breathing in. She's done this several times but not with a bloody audience so it was defiantly a challenge for her. 'Just breathe deeply and it'll be over before your know it' Clara said as she shifted the shoulder and pushed it back into place making Linda yell swear words all over the place and possibly breaking Dave's hand.

- - -

Clara carefully pulled the small pieces of glass from Linda's right hand with the tweezers and dropped them in a bowl Dad had provided.

'Am I the only one who is confused?' Dave asked.

'No, she's a qualified Doctor Dave' Gran said making Clara smile. She wrapped the white bandages around her hand carefully and had managed to use a scarf as a sling for the time being just until the ambulance gets here.

Clara stood up wincing in pain from having been crouched on the floor and sifted through the bag of hers for her painkillers.

She downed two hoping that they would kick in very soon, and stood in the doorway.

'You look exhausted deer. What's wrong?' Her Gran asked, as she gangly lifted her top making her Gran and Father gasp.

Several relatives had left as soon as it got vert frantic and so it was really just the 4 of them left plus Aria.

'Been in hospital over Christmas. Only got discharged a couple of days ago' Clara admitted, seeing Dave gasp and Gran just as shocked.

'That's awful' she said, moving from her seat to let Clara have the comfy chair.

'I'm fine really. I'll keep soldiering on' she said, taking Aria.

'How old is she?' Linda asked, looking at Clara great fully for what she had just done.

'10 weeks' Clara confirmed, stroking her cheek. 'It's complicated but the Dad isn't around anymore so don't even bother asking' Clara scoffed.

'Where you staying while your in Blackpool?' Dave asked.

'I'm not. I'm going back home tonight'

'Two hours in the dark in your state. No. You'll stay here tonight' Dad scolded, as an ambulance finally drew up outside the house.

- - -

'And your sure that Florida is a good idea?' Rory asked as John finished packing the suitcases.

'It's going to be fun and quite frankly I've only been home for a month and am already loosing my mind. I've emptied the whole of the old house, evicted my ex wife and managed to decorate Adie's room. I'm out of things to do of in honest' John muttered, knowing that if the trip wasn't already booked he would have booked it anyway, having lost his mind several days ago.

'Only if you think it's a good idea'

'Don't get me wrong I love not working. To not have to have my shirt covered in vomit everyday is a pretty nice feeling, but I'm bored; and there's only so many more kids programmes I can take without wanting to plot the death of Dora the Explorer' John shivered at the thought.

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