Chapter 29 - "Unexpected Meeting..."

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Chapter 29 - "Unexpected Meeting..."

'How was your trip? Oh wow you look tanned' Rory smirked, looking at John who had spent more than six weeks in the sun.

The originally plan being to go to Florida for six weeks - but they got there and were just having such a blast together, that they figured why not stay a little longer?

John had nothing to worry about. No job to come back for, for another two months. No school to yet worry about for his Daughter. So he canceled the original flight home and rebooked it for April 20th.

They spent literally as long as they could in Florida and even drove to a few other states while they were there.

'Well what can I say? I like to impress' John chuckled.

'Get any American chick action?' Rory smirked, as Adie headed straight for her room wanting to arrange all of her new Disney and universal teddies (of which she must have come home with at least 12) in her room.

'Rory. Wife' Amy said not remotely amused by Rory's ridiculous comments.

'Yes. Yes you are' John chuckled. 'And no. How could I have any chance at meeting some women if I was being followed by a 4 year old everywhere I went? How would that even be possible?'

'Hmm. I bet you spoke to people though. You must have spent loads of time on the beach?' Rory asked hopefully.

He so wanted John to meet someone. He wanted John to be happy. Have a reason for existence instead of just going home and going to sleep in the same bed alone every night.

His youth days were pretty much over now - especially seeing as he's 29 and stuck with a kid.

John smirked, thinking about how much fun the beach was. And flirting with American women did become a lot easier when they felt sorry for him being a single Father.

'Well when women feel sorry for you - it does become a little easier' John chuckled.

'Tell me. Tell me all about it' Rory said.

'Well the beach was only a 5 minute walk from the villa so we spent quite a lot of days and morning on the beach, and then most afternoons chilling in the villa together' he announced.

It was true to say that Adie had relaxed dramatically.

She was so uptight and highly strung when John first met her. She clearly hadn't had fun like that with Rosie. And John wasn't labelling Rosie as a bad parent, but she clearly didn't take Adie places.

She struggled the first couple of weeks when John would turn to her and ask her what she wanted to do today. She would just nervously cackle and run away.

He would offer up suggestions to make it easier, because she hadn't had any chance of choosing what she wanted to do. John didn't particularly care what they did as long as they could go together.

She settled down over the following weeks, waking up on the 4th week and announcing that she wanted to build another sandcastle so John got them dressed and headed down to the bench within the hour.

'I'm surprised the pair of you aren't more fat. Although Adie looks a little more healthy' Rory noted.

'Yeah. It's called eating a substantial meal' John said rolling his eyes. Adie had said some things over the previous weeks about what Rosie would do with her and when she would eat and it turns out she was only really eating at nursery - because Rosie was a little shorter on cash than John really realised.

He felt pretty guilty about that and so decided to make up for that over the trip, making sure she was eating three times a day, and snacking regularly.

It even made John feel better the trip. But destruction follows him wherever he goes.

'And I heard that someone got to operate in an American theatre? You just can't help yourself can you?' Amy chuckled.

'He collapsed on the beach. What was I supposed to do? Just leave him there?' John scoffed.

'Well your coming out with me tonight. Me and the guys. We're getting you back into a good old English pub and getting you pissed before you go back to work. Anyway - the ladies will be all over you with a tan like that' Rory uttered.

'What about Adie? She can't come clubbing? I think those days are really over man' John said appreciating the gesture but confirming it just wouldn't be a good idea.

'Amy's got her. And she's probably excited to tell someone all about her trips and numerous days in Disney world'

'We only went to Disney 5 times' John said in his defence.

'I'm pretty sure you covered every theme park in the entirety of Orlando?' Rory smirked.

'I said we'd been to Disney world 5 times. I never said we hadn't been to Disney land' John said, going to have a good old English shower.

It was true to say that he had an impulsive moment when he suggested that they fly to California for a couple of days.

They were away for a total of 10 weeks and they had already been to Miami and Tampa by the end of the fourth week.

- - -

'Hey hey man. Looking good. I would still tap ya' Jack smirked, as John walked into the pub with Rory.

'Thanks Jack. I missed you too' John chuckled, watching as Rory went to get some beer, and John took a seat.

'So come on. Tell me all about it. The Americans must have been sick of ya by the time you left?' Jack said as John closed his eyes for a second and then got deep into conversation with Jack about his holiday.

'Anyway. Enough about me. How's the hospital?'

'Dying without ya. The temp is a bitch, you and her are not going to get on I can see that a mile off' Rory said sitting down.

'She's just a temp registrar who was running the place. I'll certainly drop a bomb on her Monday morning just you wait' John smirked thinking about it, and how as much as loved his holiday - he is kind of looking forward to the simplicity of going back to work.

He chugged down some pretty decent English beer which he had certainly missed, and stared ahead of him as people around were clubbing and having a great time - until he clapped eyes on someone.

An unexpected meeting.

A very unexpected meeting.

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