Chapter 40 - "All in a Days Work..."

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Chapter 40 - "All in a Days Work..."

John couldn't believe the day he was having.

He followed everyone up to maternity, with nurses and doctors all around him, trying to make conversation - asking what he did, and how he was, but he found he was quite sad when they took the little boy away from him.

'Where they taking him?'

'He's just got to be weighed and double checked over. It's okay' a midwife confirmed as John followed straight into the room not caring about boundaries, but he was a Doctor in this hospital so he could do what he wants.

'Healthy little man, even if he is over three weeks early but that's considered full term. 7 pounds 6' she confirmed, handing John the shirt which he decided to just throw in the bin having been covered in blood, and watched them put him in a tiny blue baby-grow, and wrapped him in a blue blanket.

'I'll take him' John said, well more demanded.

'He should really go to Mum' the midwife said concerned.

'Yes. I'm going that way' John nodded, taking the little boy in his arms, cradling him close to his chest and headed towards the room he was pointed towards where Clara was laid up, looking a lot better.

He smirked walking in, making Clara groan at how much she hurt and was tired.

'You okay?'

'Sore. But okay. Two babies in 14 months has got to be a Fucking record' Clara scoffed at the thought.

'Maybe. But I think it was pretty worth it' John said, sitting on the edge of the bed and handed the baby to Clara for a moment, before she yawned, closing her eyes. 'Where's Aria?'

'You remembered her name?' Clara asked pretty shocked.

'Of course I do. I remember everything about you' John smirked, stroking his cheek.

'She's with Adrien my friend. God he doesn't even know I've given birth. He's probably going crazy at home. I'll text him in a bit' Clara announced, watching John place the baby in the plastic cot that was next to the bed for Clara to look in on.

'Thanks for today. If it hadn't been you in the lift I don't know what I would of done'

'Eh. All in a days work' John gushed, wavering her off. 'I've really got to get back to the ward'

'Yeah. Your job' Clara nodded, forgetting that he's not here to be at her beckon call. He didn't even know about the baby until a few hours ago - what chance dos she really have at him sticking around?

'No. Some forms to fill in'


'You don't seriously think I'm letting you do all this on your own do you? I'll take some paternity leave and help you out. I'm not an ass. I'll help you out. Give you some money. But I'd quite like to be involved. He is my son' John said nervously.

'You would really do that? Even with your own Daughter?'

'Of course. I'll even help with Aria. This is where your life turns around Clara. Well do this together' John smiled.

'You have no idea how much that means' Clara said wiping her eyes.


'You want me to get a paternity test?' She said with confidence.

'Just to make sure'

'He looks like you. And I've no doubt that he's yours - but if it will give you piece of mind then sure. Have a test' Clara nodded, making John smile. The very fact that she was willing to do it filled John with confidence that he was probably his son.

'Now get some sleep. I'll be back in a couple of hours' John said, touching his cheek and sighing.

'Take him with you. Go show him off' Clara said.

'I don't want to start gossip. That would just be awful' John mumbled.

'They'll find out sooner or later' Clara said making a good point.

'I'll bring him straight back I promise' John smiled in excitement. He hadn't been this excited about anything in over a year.

'John. His names Oliver' Clara yelled at him and John turned around, raising an eyebrow. 'I knew it was a boy all along. He's been named for months now' Clara admitted.

'My little Olliepop. I like it. Come on Ollie. Come and meet some of Daddy's friends' John smirked, stepping out of the door and into the maternity ward, after checking with the midwife that it was okay, he headed towards his office.

- - -

'You know. You may have delivered it... But you can't just steal babies willy nilly' Jack smirked, as John picked up the printing from his printer multitasking whilst holding Ollie in his other arm.

'Do you know what, I'm in such a good mood today that I'm not even going to bite back' John said, slipping the three pieces of paper into the stapler on the desk and pushing down with one hand.

Rendering successful for once in his life, he shrugged himself into his coat, one arm at a time careful not to drop the baby and wrapped his scarf around his neck.

'Where you going? Taking an early day?' Jack asked.

'Nope. Taking an early Christmas. I will see you mid January' John smiled, headed to the locker room with the paper in his hand.

'Your working Christmas Eve dude. So am I. I'll see you then' Jack scoffed.

John shrugged the back on his shoulder and picked up, the card that Adie had made for him the previous day at the crèche and headed out to the ED reception desk.

'Anyone know what he's up too?' Martha asked, as they all huddled in a group, watching John, search through the draws and pull out a white envelope.

He was managing surprisingly well to fold paper and shrug them into the envelope, whilst holding the sleeping baby that he really did not want to let go of.

'Said he's not coming back until after Christmas' Jack said, as Rory piped up.

'You okay dude? You look like your leaving?' Rory asked in confusion.

'Oh. Yeah I am. Don't worry. I'll be back January 15th' John nodded, signing his name at the bottom of the paper and going to re-fold it, as Rory snatched it away from him, and widened his eyes at the forms in front of him.

'You have got to actually be kidding me?' Rory questioned leaving John to shrug.

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