Chapter 23 - "More than Meets the Eye..."

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Chapter 23 - "More than Meets the Eye..."

'Clara come on. This is ridiculous' John said spotting her sitting on the ground, huddling the baby close to her chest but the child was clearly in distress.

'Why do you keep following me? Why can't people like you just leave me alone?' Clara yelled.

'Clara I just want to help and I don't want you to die. But your risking everything right now. You need to come back to the hospital'

'No. If I go back. I'm sure they'll find me. I have to get away John'

'Clara of your talking about the people with your ex boyfriend... They're all in custody. Have been for days now. They were caught on Sunday. If you had waited long enough the police would have spoken to you. You can't just run away from all this'

'They're gone?'

'They won't be causing any more problems. Now can I please take her?' John asked as the ground rumbled at the take off, of another plane. 'She's in distress and probably freezing cold' John said, as Clara nodded.

So John crouched down in front of her and gently took the baby from Clara's arms, and into his own.

He made a point of cradling the baby and wrapping a warm blanket around her, placing her back in the car seat once she had calmed a little.

'Now can I help you?'

'Why? I'm nothing now. I've got no job. No house. My flat will be taken from me I'm sure. Social services will steal my baby' she said weakly.

'And that's only going to happen if you don't let me help you Clara. Because you'll be dead' John snapped, calling Jasmine and telling her where to come too, but it was quite a way out so he knew it could be a while.

In the meantime he wrapped two blankets around Clara's shoulders and a shirt of his so that she could at least get some warmth.

'Why do you care so much?' Clara asked looking up at John. 'No Doctor goes to this much trouble for a patient, most just leave it to the police'

'I've had my fair share of problems over the years. I know how shit life can be Clara. But I wouldn't want to not be around for my Daughter, even if I only met her technically a couple of days ago'

'Are we still talking hypothetically?' She asked noting now how much pain she was in. It wasn't good at all.

She knew she had done herself some serious damage now.

'No we're not. Now can I please help? Let me just check everything please?' John begged, looking at her as she nodded.

To John's surprise everything looked okay. No infection. No bleeding. She would probably be okay he shrugged to himself.

- - -

'Can someone get her straight through to theatre and call the on call doctor. Someone will need to double check for infection' he demanded as he held the baby seat and figured a trip back to the crèche was needed.

'Are you an actual idiot John? This girl is driving me insane. She just needs to get the Fuck out of here so you can focus on the things that are important in your life, such as your very sick daughter' Rory scoffed.

'There's more to her than meets the eye' John defended.

'That's not the point'

'I know. I'm taking some leave Rory. I've already decided that. I'm going to take some leave until April. I'm thinking four months. I really need it. As soon as Clara's discharged, I'm out of here' John nodded, as he had already sent the email and request form to HR, of whom had agreed he was owed some time.


'As soon as I know Clara is okay and discharged. So probably the new year' John nodded. 'Which will work out seeing as it looks like Adie will be spending some time in hospital' John pointed out. 'Now. My Wednesday has been as bad as the rest of the week. Here's to hoping that Thursday looks up' John decided, checking in Adie who had been put to sleep, and went back to his flat.

- - -

For the first time in days John stepped into the Emergency department feeling pretty refreshed.

He'd showered that night for a good 40 minutes getting everything from the last few days off of him. He had an awful feeling in his skin and was frankly quite glad that he had had that shower.

He fed the poor cat who had been neglected for several days, ordered a brand new bed online (because he's not poor so he can do things like that at the drop of a hat) and purchased some new shirts which were definitely needed.

He couldn't get the bed before Christmas but he figured they could go and shack up at Amy and Rory's on their spare bed for a few days if they have too, but chances are she'll be in pain and scared anyway wanting to sleep in the same room as him.

He headed to his office feeling that today was going to be a little better. In fact he felt so optimistic about this that he even dared to put on a nice shirt, shocking everyone on his path.

'Looking good Mr Pink. Is there a reason why you decided pink was your colour for today?' Jack smirked.

'Thought about mixing it up - and went through with it. Does it look too much?'

'No. Not at all' they smirked, as he turned and noted a few nurses giggling in the corner.

'It's too much isn't it?' John asked.

'Just a bit' Jack agreed.

John decided he would go and change his shirt into a white one, but got cornered by a woman with several bags.

'You okay? Can I help?' John asked as the woman turned around. 'Give them here' John muttered, pushing his office door open and let her go in.

'I've bought enough for a month. She likes her teddies and doesn't like sleeping without them so I bought all the ones that would fit and her favourite pyjamas. She would be upset if she didn't have them' Rosie pouted.

'Why didn't you just show me this kind of parenting nature 24 hours ago?' John grunted.

'She's all yours John. Kid was getting on my nerves anyway' Rosie said. 'But it wasn't all Stevens fault. Sometimes the kid deserved it' Rosie tried to defend.

'No child deserves what she has been through. We will sort something out. This won't be the last time you ever see her' John said leading the way to the ward so Rosie could say goodbye.

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