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Felix and I walk side by side cautiously through the streets. I keep my hand placed on my knife, ready to pull it out if anyone becomes a threat. I can tell Felix is nervous walking through these streets, maybe he actually believes I was kidnapped here.
"Where do you wanna go then?" Felix breaks my thought asking me the question. I shrug, to be completely honest I don't care.
"Anywhere, it doesn't matter to me." I tell Felix. He nods and gestures to a building nearby that looks to have people sitting at tables.
"There?" He asks. I nod mighty and we begin to walk towards the building. I look through the windows, realizing there are people just sitting around tables eating. I give Felix a confused look, not knowing how I should react to this discovery. He gives the same confused stare back at me. I turn my attention back to the building and open the door, Felix and I walking inside. Everyone turns their head and stops small conversation they had. The place goes silent, just like any usual places these days. I look at different people around the shop, eating foods and beverages I haven't seen in the longest time. I notice a young girl behind the counter. She has brown hair that resembles my own and blue eyes that pierce through me. I start to approach her, to see what this place really is. The girl puts on a small smile that I can tell is forced. I notice a small name tag on her shirt reading '♡Annie♡'. I look back to the girls eyes and see the fear she has for me, I'm not sure why. I mean, I've gotten cleaned up, I have clean clothes and I don't even have my crossbow on me, all I have is a knife.
"Excuse me, but there are no weapons allowed." The girl with the Annie name tag says. I hold in my shock to her sentence. How can anyone even ho anywhere without a weapon these days? They are only used for our own safety, why would this girl say that? Felix grabs my shoulder, pulling me out of the shop lightly. When we get outside I notice a few people gathered around the middle just talking normally. I see people walking their dogs or going to exercise around the sidewalks. No Eaters in sight.
"This is so weird." I mumble under my breath.
"It really is. We should head home." Felix starts to lightly tug me back to the house. I follow him back up the steps and through the door. I see Bob, Mark, Wade and Jack sitting at the table laughing about something. Tyler is nowhere is sight, he probably wanted to join Aaron at his house. I pull up a chair and sit next to Bob and Mark. Felix sits on the couch and grabs his coffee mug from before, beginning to sip lightly on the sweet substance inside.
"Well, you guys weren't gone long, what happened?" Jack chuckles.
"It was weird, it was like a normal town, before all of this went down. People were just sitting around, talking and I don't know. It was really weird to see." I explain leaning my elbows on the table.
"You should eat. There's food in the bag." Wade tells me. I know what he means, it has been days since I've eaten even a snack. I nod and stand from my chair grabbing our supply bag and beginning to look through it. I grab a small can of green beans and open it in one swift motion. I sit back in my chair and begin to eat the can at the table. Marks takes one out of my can and eats it with a grin cross his face. I roll my eyes and continue to eat my food.
"What did you think of the town?" Bob asks, not facing any one person.
"Weird." I say shoving another green bean in my mouth.
"Surprisingly clean and well. I don't know if I trust it yet though." Wade responds. I jolt upright in my chair in shock at his sentence.
"I don't think we should trust a group who kidnapped me. Ever." I say sternly. Mark puts his hand on my shoulder to calm me. I lean back on the table and eat another green bean.
"Are we leaving then?" Bob asks me adjusting his glasses once more.
"They have a lot of supplies. We can bargain with them even if we don't trust them." Jack suggests. I decide not to snap and eat another green bean to calm myself.
"True, but how long are we going to stay here?" Bob asks, turning his head towards me and locking eyes with me, knowing I will have an answer.
"I don't want to be here long, just get supplies and then leave as fast as we can." I say, sitting up in my chair a bit. Bob shrugs softly.
"What exactly did they do to you when they kidnapped you?" Bob asks, making his voice sensitive for my sake. I sigh heavily, knowing they would ask eventually.
"They tied me to a chair and a man came in a few times. He taunted me, talking about you guys and making us 'food'. He wanted to take me somewhere, but I kicked him in the balls and ran. That's when I found you guys in the showers." I explain, avoiding eye contact with any of them. There is silence, everyone thinking and trying to understand what I said.
"Well, we should talk to them and figure out why the hell they took you. We also need to make a deal for supplies if they will let us." Mark says standing up from his chair.
"I want my crossbow back. Tell them that when you see them." I call to Mark who is already hearing towards the door.
"They didn't give it back?" Mark questions, confusion mixed with anger appearing on his face. I shake my head, showing Mark they hadn't.
"I'll get it. Anyone coming with?" Mark asks. Bob jumps up from his chair grabbing a knife off the table with him.
"Someone needs to keep you from killing the bastard." Bon chuckles putting a hand on Marks shoulder. Mark cracks a smile and opens the door walking out of it with a wave. Bob follows him out and closes the door behind them.
"We should play a game. We haven't had fun in a long time." Jack says smiling brightly.
"What type of game?" Felix asks sitting in Marks old seat. Jack shrugs and suddenly his eyes light up. Jack leans back in his chair and grabs a bottle of liquor from the bag.
"This type of game?" Jack chuckles setting the bottle down on the table. A laugh escapes my mouth. Wade shrugs at the option.
"Sure. But, how old is Violet?" Felix asks, turning to me. I sigh, knowing that I can not be old enough to drink.
"I was 16 when all this started. I'm probably about 17 now. But what does that matter? Its an apocalypse, I think that drinking underage is the least of my problems." I chuckle as I lean on the table once more.
"True. Let's play something." Felix chuckles.
"What do you wanna play?" Jack asks twisting the cap off the bottle.
"We can play a type of guessing game and whenever someone loses we take a drink?" Wade suggests, leaning back in his chair. I shrug at his suggestion lightly.
"Sure." I respond.
"Okay. Who's guessing first?" Jack asks, glancing around the table.
"I will. What am I guessing?" I ask. Jack finally gets the cap off of the bottle and places it back on the table.
"Should we guess random facts about ourselves?" Wade suggests.
"Sure." Jack answers with a light shrug of his shoulders.
"Okay. Ask away." I say, keeping my elbows planted on the table and shoving another green bean in my mouth.
"Um, what is my favorite super hero?" Jack asks in a childish voice. I roll my eyes and laugh at his question.
"Uh, Batman. He seems like your type of hero." I chuckle.
"Nope. Spiderman is cooler. He can just swing around and stuff." Jack says with a laugh. "Take a sip." Jack says handing me the bottle. I put the bottle to my lips and tilt it back slightly letting the liquid drip in my mouth. I put down the bottle and let the alcohol go down my throat. It is cinnamon whiskey, so it stings a bit on the way down.
"Now I'll ask whoever a question." I say glancing around the table for the next volunteer. We go around the table, asking dumb questions and getting pretty drunk in the process. We all start to get pretty tipsy and decide to stop the game.
"Well, that was interesting." Jack chuckles. Laughs come from all of us at Jacks comment.
"That's one word to describe it." Wade chuckles again. Laughs come again. I suddenly hear the door fling open and Mark walk through it holding my crossbow.
"Hey, that's mine." I say drunkily with another laugh. Mark looks at all the guys around the table, letting his eyes rest on me.
"What did you guys do?" He mumbles under his breath grabbing the bottle off of the table. Bob walks in after Mark, closing the front door after he walks in. Mark eyes us uneasily, before he takes a swig from the bottle and sits in a chair next to me. I begin to get tired off the alcohol and lay my head on the table.
"What's wrong?" I hear Jacks voice ask me. I lift my head up slightly so I can see him.
"Nothing. I'm tired." I say sleepily. I lay my head back down and drift off to sleep hearing the others voices become mumbles in the back of my mind.

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