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I shake my head slightly to calm myself further.
"I don't know you or Madelyn." I state, making my stance more threatening to someone his size. His arms have large muscles as mine do, but the rest of his body is scrawny. He has no real body fat, meaning I can take him down easier. However, what scares me about him is his voice and knowledge about me.
"That may be true, but dear, I won't argue much longer. So, my deal still stands. Get me Madelyn and I will give you anything you want in return. Food, water, clothes, shelter, even protection if you so desire. All you have to do, is give her to me." Ian says, taking small steps closer to me. I don't speak and he stands only inches away from me. He raises his hand and his fingertips grade my cheek in a way that sickens me.
"I don't want anything you want to give me. So just get away from me and leave me alone." I state sternly, trying to make him scared or at least intimidated by me.
"Now why would I do that? Especially when you have something I want." Ian questions in a hushed voice that spends chills up my spine. "Stop acting tough, just give her to me." Ian tells me sternly, grabbing my throat with his hand. In a way it's better than it being on my cheek, because I can win this fight.
"I don't have her!" I yell as I left my leg and kick his calves so he falls slightly. His hand falls off my throat and while he's trying to stand, I raise my foot and kick hard on his face, which ends up being right on his nose. Ian yelps slightly when I do that and I swing open the door with my force and try to get inside. But he reaches out and grabs my leg, pulling me to the ground. However, I did get the door open and everyone sees me now. I hear footsteps rush towards me and I kick Ian off of me. I then feel a pair of arms lift me and start to carry me towards the car. I shake in the mysterious grasp and punch the arms on me. I hear Maddie scream loudly behind me and I shake more, trying to escape in any way I can. That is, until I feel something pound my head and everything goes black.


I wake up and see dark silhouettes of bars in front of me and cold cement below me. I hear small sobbing coming from a dark place near me.
"Hello?" I call to whoever it may be.
"Violet?" Maddie's voice calls through small sobbing noises she makes.
"Yeah. It's me. Where are we?" I question, trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness.
"Ian... He took us back... Back to where I was before." Maddie says through sobbing and deep breathes.
"How are we going to escape?" I question, finally seeing Maddie's silhouette through the darkness. I crawl towards her and sit on the other side of the bars from her.
"We can't... We have to be rescued and I don't know if they'll come." Maddie sibs harder and I can now hear her tears hit the cold floor.
"They will, Emmet came for you alone before and now he has more help. They will come for us Maddie just try to stay strong, because I'll help and stay with you. Okay?" I say awaiting her response.
"Okay. You're right." Maddie says with a few more deep breathes escaping her mouth.
"Here. I'm here." I whisper as I put part of my wrist and hand through the bars. Maddie grasps my hand into hers and squeezes it tightly. Even her hand is wet with tears, and I can't say I blame her. I hear a door creak open and footsteps walk towards us. Maddie squeezes my hand tighter, so much that I almost lose feeling in it. Suddenly the footsteps stop and a bright light shines in the room.
"Hello loves, it's lovely to see you both again. Especially you... Madelyn, or how your new friends call you, Maddie." Ian chuckles, his eyes piercing into my soul.
"Leave her alone Ian. She never did anything to y-you." Maddie says through her tears, only stuttering near the end.
"Oh, but she did. She lied to me and gave me this." Ian says, gesturing to a bruise on his nose.
"And I'm proud of both." I state in a dark tone I haven't used for a long while now.
"I'm glad, and I'll be proud to say that I'm going to start with you, love." Ian says with anither grin spreading on his face.
"Who are you calling 'love'?" I question, "who would ever want to be your love?" I question sassily with a small amount of disgust in my voice.
"Oh, darling, I don't think that you understand quite yet. But don't worry love, you will soon enough. Now get over here so that we can start." Ian demands casually as he grabs keys and unlocks the cell I am in.
"Start what exactly?" I question in confusion.
"You'll see soon enough, now come over here." Ian repeats, more demanding this time. I laugh at his request and shake my head.
"You're unbelievable." I say in a slightly hushed voice.
"I don't wanna go get you, but I will. And if I have to, your punishment will have to be more severe." Ian says, he almost grins at his statement. I sigh heavily and get off the ground, slowly walking towards the gate that is now open. Once I stand in front of it Ian gives me a puzzled look as I stopped in my tracks.
"What are you doing?" He questions, removing the smile from his face now.
"Making a deal." I respond. I'm not sure why or what I want to say that, even if it's true, but I guess that I'll have to go with it now.
"You really think you still have power here?" Ian chuckles, pressing his weight against the bars on the gate.
"I know I do." I state in a stern and slightly grim tone.
"Fine. What do you want?" Ian question, the smirk returning to his face.
"Let Maddie go." I state.
"What? I just got her back and you expect me to just let her go?" Ian chuckles the words to me with an even bigger grin covering his face.
"I'll stay. I won't even try to escape and I'll tell her to tell all of my friends to back off and stop looking for me. Just let her go and I'll stay for as long as you want me here." I state, loosening my stern tone slightly.
"But, darling, you're just not the one I want." Ian chuckles again.
"You will." I respond without any thinking or hesitation on speaking. I'm not sure what made me say it, it just seemed like it would impact him the most.
"What?" Ian questions with his smirk growing wider by the second.
"You heard me." I respond in a plain, almost emotionless voice; with only hints of anger.
"I'm sorry love, but I don't believe you and I won't let my dear Madelyn go this easy. So come here, let me show you what happens around here." Ian says as he grabs my arm and pulls me out of my cell. He tries to drag me down a hallway, but I pull my arm off of him and walk behind him. My eyes trail up cement walls and the small water droplets that lay on them.

Ian leads me towards a room that is completely black when I first see it. That is, until I see figures and chairs inside. It makes me curious, and curiosity is always dangerous. Ian leads me inside this dark room, but I'm not afraid. I've been through worse than he can imagine; he can't hurt me in any way. Once I'm completely in the room Ian flips on a light and I gasp at the sight. In front of me lies someone I never thought I'd ever see again. My mother.

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