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~*2 Days Until The Wedding*~

I wake up to the smell of... Wait, is that cupcakes? I sit upright in my bed, well, not actually my bed, but Jack's bed. I then push all the blankets off me and make my way towards the kitchen. I see Jack standing in front of the stove with a purple frosting covered knife in his hand.
"Okay... That didn't really work..." Jack mumbles to himself with a small chuckle. I walk closer to him and look over his shoulder to see chocolate cupcakes sitting on the stove in front of him. One of them has purple frosting spread across it messily. Jack turns his head and gives me a nervous look.
"What's all this for?" I question with a smile.
"I thought it might make a good morning surprise for you... But I'm not a very good baker and I'm awful at frosting." Jack admits with a small, childish giggle.
"I actually used to make brownies with a peanut butter spread, so I might be able to help with this." I say with a smile that Jack soon copies and puts on his own face. I step in front of Jack and grab the knife still in his hand. I guide it across each cupcake so that each has a lovely even layer of frosting.
"Not so bad, right?" I say once we finally finish coating all of the cupcakes.
"They look lovely thanks to you." Jack says with his bright smile pinned to his face.

"Oh, you're too sweet Jack." I say, lightly kissing his cheek.


I look up the steps of the mansion and cross my arms. I don't understand why Shane wants me to have help going up. I can handle myself. I lean against a pillar at the bottom of the steps waiting for Shane. He said he'd be here in about five minutes, so I shouldn't have to wait long anyways. I don't want to wait long, I'm inpatient and it's cold out here. I remember last winter, it was awful. We had little coats and we couldn't find many places to stay.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." I hear a voice to my side says. I glance and see Shane as he walks towards me.
"It's okay. I haven't been here long." I say, now moving my arms to my sides to be more polite. Shane and I lock arms as a natural instinct, I've grown used to it after all. We walk side by side up all the steps, it feels like it takes forever to get to the top. Shane opens the front door for me and I walk inside casually with him following me.
"Most of the leaders left today, if that makes you more comfortable." Shane informs me as he closes the front door and locks it. I nod my head casually and sit at the bottom of the stairs. "Also, tomorrow we will be heading to the wedding area. They have everything set up, they just need all the guests to go with everything we need. All you need to do is be ready in the morning, I'll take care of everything else." Shane explains, towering above me while he leans on the banister.
"Are you taking the guys too then?" I question.
"Yes, I will send Elise to get them and take them to the trucks." Shane says with a nod. He's always just business, but I suppose he likes it that way.
"Okay... Thanks..." I say in a slight mumble, but my voice still echoes in the hall.
"Not a problem. Do you need or want anything? It feels weird for me to just relax I guess..." Shane says with a slight smirk.
"I don't need anything, you should get some sleep as we are going to have a long week." I suggest. I'm not sure what else he will want to do honestly, or be willing to do more accurately.
"I can't sleep now, it's too early in the day for that. I suppose I'll just call the office and make sure that everyone is working. I also want to know if all the leaders have left yet, I don't want them here long. If they're here that means they'll be snooping around and that we have to work more, I just want to know when things can go back to normal and I can actually let myself relax." Shane explains as he runs his fingers through his blonde hair.
"That makes sense, you can go ahead and check that. Just tell me what's happening, I wouldn't want to damage your reputation." I say with a smile that I hope shows that I'm genuine. I really don't want to damage Shane's reputation. I mean, if I do that means that most of the things we have here will be taken. We'll probably move on to somewhere safer, like we always used to.
"Of course. I'll see you for lunch, I made reservations at a Chinese restaurant across the street for us. I thought it would be nice and it would make us seem less suspicious to the public." Shane explains with a nod before he begins heading down the hall to his study. I nod, that also makes sense. Sometimes I think Shane really is my voice of reason, making everything around me make more sense than it previously had. He always explains things clearly and doesn't lie. I hear the door down the hall open and close when Shane enters.

I sigh out of boredom and start walking up the stairs to my room. Right now I don't really care what Shane will say, I want just to relax in my room right now. I walk up all the steps while I hang on the rail for support and balance. Suddenly a pounding comes from the front door. I hear the door down the hall open and close as footsteps dash down the hallway. Shane opens the front door after unlocking it to see who was knocking.
"Hello?" Shane says as he takes in a deep breath from exhaustion.
"Hello sir, we were wondering if you had a moment to speak with us?" A man questions in a stern tone.
"Of course gentlemen, please, come in. Please pardon me for a moment though, I need to help my fiancé up the stairs." Shane says as he pushes the door to open further and he sprints towards the stairs where I have stopped. I didn't even see him turn my way, I have no idea how he knew I was here, oh well. Shane wraps an arm around my waist and together we walk up the stairs.
"How did you see me?" I hiss at him in confusion while we walk.
"I'm a smart man, Violet. I know what happens in my house, especially when it is something that is not supposed to be done." Shane whispers back as we climb the last few steps. "Now, stay in your room until I'm done with these men. I don't want them to bother you again." Shane adds, lightly nudging me towards my room.
"Are they the other leaders? Which ones are they?" I question in a hushed voice, trying to get out more information before I'm locked up in my room for a few hours.
"Yes, which ones it doesn't matter. All I know is that they are snooping around here for something and I want to find out what. I don't want you involved, so please just leave this to me." Shane whispers sternly. With that last demand he spins away from me and quickly goes down the steps. He has such ease and a careful way of going down all the steps, it almost looks automatic. I sigh in annoyance and push myself into my room, shoving the door closed behind me. Wouldn't want to annoy Shane by leaving my door open. I fall onto my bed and cover my head with my arm. I almost instantly fall asleep.

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