Finding out

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Jackie's POV.
Ever since I talked to Tyler yesterday about moving I have been looking for the quickest time we could get on a plane to get to his new school and I booked it. It's for tomorrow afternoon. Now I just have to tell him. He'll be so excited!

Tyler's POV.
When I got home from school I got greeted my mom and she said that she has a surprise for me.

"Okay so you know how I said that we were going to go back to our old house and you'll go to the High School there?" Oh god this can't be good

"Yes I do. Why?"

"I got us plane tickets so we could go sooner so you could see your best friend" Shit shit shit! This is exactly what I was afraid of!

"Oh cool I'm very excited" I tried to sound excited but my mom saw right through me.

"What's wrong, honey" omfg please tell me I don't have to tell her.

"Nothing" I mumbled and put my head down.

"Mathew Tyler Oakley tell me what's bother you right now!" Okay 2 things about my mom whenever she uses your whole name and yells you better tell her what's going on.

"Fine" I mumbled "you may wanna sit down for this one"

After she was sat down I told her the whole story on how I had a crush on Troye when we were younger and how I lied to her about the bullies and that I was sad all the time because my best friend was drifting away from me. And lastly I told her that I was I love with Troye and that I wasn't ready to face him yet and that I wanna tell him but I'm scared that he will reject me.

"That's why I'm not really excited to go. I mean yes I'm excited to see all my old friends but what if I see Troye? What am I going to do?"

"Tyler, honey we are still going only because I don't know if you know this but I ship you guys. Even if he does reject you it's worth a try. You never know until you try."

"Thank you mom, this means a lot coming from you. And I very very sorry for lying to you all these years."

"No problem honey, now get packed we leave tomorrow afternoon!"


"Yeah I thought you would want to see Troye sooner so you could talk to him so I booked an early flight."

"Holy shit, okay I need to pack then"

A/N: Okay sorry this chapter is short it's just a little filler chapter on how Tyler feels about seeing Troye again. so I hope u like it 😂. Okay I'm dying me and my best friend _youtube_fanfics_ have a ship. Our ship name is Javah. SO MANY PEOPLE SHIP IS LIKE HOLY FUCK. ALL OF MY IRL FRIENDS SHIP US AND ALL OF MY INTERNET FRIENDS SHIP US! I'm literally dying lmao but anyway ily Avah and this is hilarious 😂😂
~Jazzmine 💗

(527 words)

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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