The Day

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(Time skip to Monday morning)

Tyler's POV.
My mom woke me up on Monday morning. Fucking shit I'm not ready. I'm not ready to possibly see Troye.

"Tyler you have to get up, I know you're scared but you will do fine I promise." My mom told me this but I still wasn't convinced that i will be okay if I see Troye.

"Mom what if I see Troye? What am I going to do?"

"You are going to talk to him and ask him out"

"Mom, what if he's in a relationship? What am I going to do then?"

"Well Tyler the best advice I can give you is: you never know until you try." Ugh she really frustrating me. Does she not see that if my crush since I was a child is in a relationship that I will be heartbroken?!

"Now go get ready, you still have to go to school rather you see Troye or not"

"Fine" I mumbled. She just doesn't understand.

(Time skip to in the car)

"We are going to be at the school in less than 5 minutes Tyler, what are you doing?" I thought she would know that I always fix my hair when I'm nervous.

"I'm fixing my hair. Just because i don't want to go to school doesn't mean I can't look good for school!"

"Okay Tyler were here!" Fuck ugh here goes all or nothing.

"Okay bye mom, I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart, remember have a good day and if you see him try to talk to Troye." I really don't want to talk to him right now but if I see him I will talk to him.

"Okay well I see you after school bye" after that I closed the door and went into the school and pretty much found the main office immediately. I went into the office and I was greeted immediately.

"Hello, I'm Ms. Preda how may I help you?"

"Um I'm new here and I um need my schedule." I'm never usually act this shy but I'm so fucking nervous.

"Oh, you're Tyler Oakley"

"Yes I am"

"Okay so this campus is pretty big, would you like an aid to help you to your classes?" No even if he isn't one I can't risk seeing Troye right now.

"No thank you I think I'm fine" I smiled at her and she gave me my schedule and a school map.

Then I was off to find my first period class. Ms. Preda was right this campus is huge. When I finally found where my first period class is I still had 5 minutes until the bell rings so I just took out my phone and texted my mom

To: Queen Jackie 💁🏻
Hey mom I found my first period class and no sign of Troye. The bell rings in 5 minutes so I'll talk to you later.

From: Queen Jackie 💁🏻
Okay sweetie have a good day at school. Love you 😘

To: Queen Jackie 💁🏻
Love you too 😘 and I promise I'll try not to be heartbroken if Troye's in a relationship lol bye 😂

After I sent that the bell ring for us to go to first period.

A/N: okay I really need feedback on this chapter because I don't really like it. And also comment how you like my story so far. I'm kinda in love with it and yeah that's pretty much it so I'll see you in the next chapter. Byeeee
~Jazzmine 💗

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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