The bisexual?

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(Picture up top is of Troye and my best friend Avah)

Troye's POV

After Sarah and Kat left I cried on Avah's shoulder. I felt horrible. Why would they do this too me? Why would Tyler agree to have a fucking affair with Mathew when we were together? Is it because I'm a virgin? I'm saving it for someone special. When I saw Tyler again I thought maybe he was that special someone but maybe not.

"Avah what am I gonna do? I don't know what to do anymore. I feel dead and beaten inside and I hate it." I cried.

"First of all Troye we need to get to first period. Luckily I literally have every class with you so I can be there for you. Second of all just don't think of Mathew and Tyler right now, just think of things that make you happy. Think of this weekend. I'm gonna be spending the weekend with you on your trip with your family. I'm excited and you should be too. Just stop thinking about those assholes." Avah did have a point I should be excited. I get to spend my whole weekend with my best friend. I really don't know what it is but I feel nervous around her I don't know why she's been my best friend for 5 years. She's been there for me since middle school I shouldn't feel nervous around her. She's my best friend and only my best friend. I mean I've always thought about if I'm bisexual or not but I don't like Avah. Do I like Avah? No way she's my best friend and I'm gay. But what about that kiss yesterday? She kissed me and even worse I told her I liked it yet she's still my best friend. Wow what the hell is going on with me. I'm not bisexual, I'm gay. I like guys. I've tried out girls befor and I like it a lot but then I discovered guys and my whole life changed around. So am I bisexual? And do I like my best friend?

I got out of my trance when Avah yelled my name.

"TROYE!!" Avah yelled.


"Are you okay?" She sounded really concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking about things." I sigh.

"Troye Sivan Mellet you better not be thinking of those assholes again. You need to get over th-"

"Avah stop its not them!" I laughed at her overprotectiveness.

"Then what is it Troye, Is everything okay?"

"Yes everything is fine I was just thinking about all the things were gonna do this weekend." I had to lie to her. I can't just tell her 'oh I may or may not be bisexual and may or may not have a crush on you'.

She bought it and we went into first period after we used the bathroom and we didn't see Sarah, Kat, Mathew, and Tyler. I wonder where they are.

Avah's POV.

While Troye was daydreaming about whatever the fuck he was thinking about, I got a text from Sarah.

From: Sarah poo 🙈
So um well I may or may not have beat up Mathew and made him bleed a lot. He called Troye names and I couldn't take it so I just jumped on him and started to hit him. Then when Kat and Tyler got there to see what happened he threatened to kill Troye so we called the cops and now Mathew is in jail so yeah that has happened within the 20 minutes we've been gone.

I almost freaked out then I realized I still have Troye with me. I can't believe this happened.

To: Sarah poo 🙈
Sarah what the hell?! Well me and Troye are about to go into first period so talk to me when you get here.

After that I yelled Troye's name and he snapped back into reality. We walked into First period and didn't see Sarah, Tyler, and Kat so we just sat down next to each other. They'll settle that later right now I'm just here to support Troye and help him get better.

A/n: so long time no see. Well I'm back and il sorry I was out for so long I was just figuring things out. During my time out I've realized that I'm bisexual and that I like my best friend aka Avah. And I've also found out how big of a dick my "friend" Martin is. He's a homophobic bitch that I want to stab if any of you guys wanted to know. I have him in 4 of my classes so it's really hard not to hit him. So yeah that's it for now. I'll try to update either tonight or tomorrow as an apology for leaving you guys hanging for so long. So I'll see you in the next chapter. BYEEE ❤️
~Jazzmine 💜

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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