The Talk

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*A little fluff warning*

Tyler's POV.
After I introduced myself the teacher started to call roll. After a while I stopped listening until:


"Troye Mellet!" PLEASE GOD NO!!!


(Time skip to after the bell rings)

I tried to be the last one out but I wasn't. Troye and other guy were still in the classroom. I was about to walk out the classroom when:

"Um hi I'm Troye and this is my boyfriend Mathew" BOYFRIEND?!? FUCK I HAVE NO FUCKING CHANCE WITH HIM NOW. Okay I'm going to be nice to them.

"Hi I'm Tyler as you know."

"Yeah, well you seem really cool and we were wondering if you would want to hang out with us at lunch?" Really? He clearly doesn't remember me because if he did he would be just like me nervous and scared. Not unless this stupid Mathew guy made him. I swear to god if he did I would punch him right in his pretty little face.

"Um well I kinda wanted to find out where the rest of my afternoon classes are."

"Oh we'll help you find them!" Fuck my excuse didn't work. I guess I'll just have to spend the rest of the day with my crush that has a boyfriend and doesn't know I like him.

(Time skip to lunch)

So far I have every fucking class with Troye. And only one with Mathew which to me is a good thing and a bad thing. I mean it's good because to be honest I very jealous of Mathew but it's also bad because I'm spending all day with my crush that has a boyfriend that I have no chance with at all. We're at lunch right now and Troye insisted that I sit next to him.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you something." Shit if it is what I think it is the answer is yes but he would be cheating on Mathew.

"Yeah?" I tried not to sound as scared as I actually was.

"You look very familiar to me but I don't think we have ever met before today, so have we ever met before?" Okay so I guess I'll tell him a little bit I just won't tell him that I had a crush on him and still do.

"Um actually yes we have."

"Oh my gosh really? When?" He sounded genuinely surprised. He really doesn't remember me.

"So like I said in first period I moved here from Michigan well when I moved here I met you and you were one of my best friends and we were best friends until the sixth grade but something happened so I moved back to Michigan."

"Okay first of all omg now I remember you. I say you on your phone earlier and you looked very familiar. And second of all what happened that made you move back?" You. It was because I liked you and you were drifting away from me and I got sad to the point where I had to move. Okay I'm going to tell him.

"Um to be honest I really don't know what happened but all I know is when we were in the sixth grade you started to drift away from me and I got really sad all the time because whenever I would plan for us to hang out you would always cancel so you could hang out with your other friends. I always can home sad because my best friend was drifting away from me."

"Oh my gosh Tyler I'm so sorry that I did that to you. You out of all people don't deserve that and I'm truly sorry."

"It's okay I've gotten over it" no I haven't. I love him and I will never get over it.

"Hey Tyler, can I tell you something that's very embarrassing?" Wow he trusts me that much that he feels like he can tell me embarrassing things about himself.

"Yeah sure."

"Um so when we were younger I used to have a HUGE crush on you." My heart stopped. Troye had a crush on me okay. My fucking crush had a crush on me!!

"Really?" I said sounding way more surprised than I wanted too.

"Yeah now that I remember you I remember what happened. I wasn't really talking and hanging out with you because I really liked you and I knew you didn't feel the same and i would go home every night and cry because I really really liked you but I didn't want to hurt our friendship but I guess I did anyways." I felt really bad so I did something I knew I was going to regret later. I kissed him. And to make it all better he didn't pull away. He kissed me back!

"I really like you Troye. I have liked you ever since we met. And to even know that you cried everyday because of me breaks my heart."

"I really like you to Tyler. I want you but I don't know how I'm going to break it to Mathew." Tell him you wanna break up because you found someone WAY better than him.

"Just tell him that you wanna break up because you don't think it's working out."

"Fine I'll do it" after he said that he kissed me again. This is literally the best day of my life.

A/N: Okay this is literally my favorite chapter out of all the ones I have made so far. I know it's WAY longer than all my other chapters but I think you guys liked this one. So yeah give me some feedback on how you liked this chapter. And I'll see you in the next chapter. Byeeeee
~Jazzmine 💗

(998 words)

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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