The sick day

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Tyler's POV.

Troye ran out the door and I couldn't do anything anymore. I had sex with his ex boyfriend and it was killing me. I didn't know what to do so I just started crying and I cried myself to sleep.

I was woken up by my mom telling me to get in my bed because apparently I fell asleep on the couch. I wanna tell my mom everything that happened but I know she will judge me when I say I had sex with my boyfriend's ex. But I have to tell her. It's killing me and I need to tell someone.

"Mom, I need to tell you something and it's really really important and you have to promise me you won't judge and just try to help me please."

"Tyler if it's that important to you then I'll help you. You know you can trust me with anything."

"Okay so at the party we were at I saw Troye's ex boyfriend and decided to say hi to him and convince him to talk to Troye and they ended up talking a little until Troye got tired of him and Troye went to go get some drinks and somehow while me and his ex were talking we started making out and then Troye caught us and started running and crying and then me and his Ex decided to keep going where we started and kinda had sex and I told Troye because we were about to have sex and it was killing me that I didn't tell him and because I actually did that to him, then he freaked out on me and ran out on me again and I ended up crying myself to sleep in the couch and I don't know what to do. Please help me." My moms face went from shocked to angry then to pitiful.

"First of all Tyler, why the hell would you do this to your boyfriend?"

"We were drunk and I wasn't thinking and I feel so bad. He even said that he wasn't going to talk to me until he was ready to forgive me." I was now crying. I don't know what to do anymore.

"Tyler that's not an excuse to have sex with your boyfriend's ex. That is so wrong but I told you I was gonna help so what do you want help with?"

"Mom how do I get him to forgive me? I need him to forgive me. He was my childhood crush and still is, I can't lose him."

"Tyler the only advice I can give you is just wait until he talks to you. Let him make the first move. Now you should go to bed you have school tomorrow." Fuck my life I actually have to go to school and see him tomorrow. Or do I.

(Time skip to the next morning)

I woke up a little earlier than usual so I could get out of going to school. I'm not ready to face Troye yet after what happened last night. I'm gonna fake sick. At 7:15 my mom came in my room.

"Honey, time to wake up." I groaned. Let's see if she believes this.

"Mom, I don't feel so well. I feel sick." She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Awwe well honey if you don't feel good you can't go to school." Omg I can't believe she actually believed me.

"I'll go get you some tea, just stay in bed. I'll talk to my boss to see if I could take a day off to take care of you."

"Okay. Thank you mom."

Jackie's POV.

I didn't believe this boy for a second. He just didn't want to go to school because he has Troye in basically all his classes, and he's not ready to face him yet. I'm only letting him because I know this situation is hard to deal with and I know that he's suffering.

I went to go get him some tea and I heard someone knock on the door. When I opened it it was some strange boy that I didn't know.

"Um hi can I help you?"

"Yes. Um my name is Mathew and I REALLY need to talk to Tyler. It's very important."

A/n: so hi I actually like this chapter so yay. Tell me what you want/think is going to happen in the next chapter that's in Tylers pov. (Which will in 2 chapter. The next chapter will be in Troye's POV.). I hope you guys liked it and that's it for now. I'll try to update later today. Byeeee
~Jazzmine 💗

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