He doesnt care

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Troye's pov.

I am hurt. How could they do this to me? Why would they do this to me? This was going on in my mind while I tried to sleep. I had a night mare.

Troye's night mare.

I was standing by Tylers door step because I was ready to talk to him. I waited for 10 minutes but when I decided to leave Tyler shows up. With Mathew.

"What the fuck are you doing here Mathew?" I asked slightly angry.

"Didn't you here Troye, me and Tyler here are in a relationship. You broke his heart and I was there to fix it. Let's face it, you fucked up Troye. You fucked up your perfect relationship with this twink."

*End of night mare*

I was woken up by my mom saying it was time to get up for school.

"Mom I'm not feeling well, can I stay home from school today?" She saw I was covered in sweat and she nodded. I just need a day to rest and think about what I'm gonna say to Tyler when I talk to him tomorrow. But in the mean time I can go on Tumblr like I always do.

I'm very tired but I can't go back to sleep because whenever I do I have the same fucking nightmare every time and I'm fucking tired of it. I don't care anymore I need to talk to him. Wait dammit he's probably at school but I'll text him anyways.

To: Tyler 💘
Look Tyler I'm so sorry about what happened I was just hurt and I didn't mean to yell at you. I really hope you can forgive me. Again I'm so sorry.

I got a reply after 3 minutes and when I saw it I instantly frowned.

From: Tyler 💘
Oh my god I'm dying you actually think I'm going to fucking forgive you just like that. Well no bitch it's not that easy. I have a new boyfriend now aka your ex and he's way better than you will ever be so goodbye forever Troye Sivan.

I felt my eyes water. He won't believe me AND Mathew and him are dating just like in my fucking nightmare. I started fell on crying and sobbing really loud. I didn't care who heard or if they came In my room I was just hurt. I never got a text after that. I felt like I was dying. I was hurt and angry at the same time. This was not healthy for me so I grabbed a blanket put it around my neck and had it hanging like a cape. I went down into the kitchen to grab some Nutella and my mom was there.

"Troye are you okay?" No bitch I'm fucking fine. I look like shit from crying what the hell do you fucking think?

"Yes mom I'm fine." I didn't even try to sound happy. I grabbed my Nutella and left the kitchen and back up to my room. I sat in my room and cried more with my Nutella. I didn't want to do anything but die. Why is this hurting me so fucking much. It's just my boyfriend and my ex boyfriend are in a relationship no big deal. I decided it time to confront Tyler and to show him how mad I am. So I texted him again.

To: Tyler 💘
Okay Tyler just letting you know that just because you're dating Mathew doesn't mean you'll forget all the good times we had together and to be fucking honest i missed Mathew but I knew it would be cheating on you if I made a move. So you know what Tyler fuck you. You don't fucking deserve my and I hope you go to the deepest pits of hell. Goodbye forever Tyler. Don't ever fucking speak to me ever again. I'm done with you. You've caused me so much pain and just because you wanted someone like Mathew like damn I know he's got but seriously?

I finished the text and hit send. It took me 5 minutes to get s fucking response.

From: Tyler 💘
Oh my god and you actually think I care and yes I know Mathew is cute that's why he's mine. So stay the fuck away from him you freak. Goodbye I never wanna speak to you again.

I was heart broken all over again. He doesn't care.

A/n: so yeah this happened but in the next chapter it will explained what happened on Tyler/Mathews side of the story and you guys will be somewhat relieved. Well that's it for now. BYEEE
~Jazzmine 💗

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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