The Meet

158 16 13

Troye's POV.
While I was on my way to first period with Mathew I saw this guy on his phone across the path that looked somewhat familiar to me. But I don't know him. That's weird I feel like I should know him but I don't. I turn back to Mathew and a question came to my mine and I kissed him on the cheek.

"Babe, do you know when that new student is supposed to come to our school?"

"No I don't, why" because I think that's him and if it is he's hella cute omg! OMG NO STOP TROYE YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!

"No reason just whenever he does come to our school that we need to talk to him right away if we want him to be one of our friends."

"Yeah of course. Well we need to get to our first period class!" The bell rung and we went into our first period class and sat in our regular seats and payed attention to our teacher Mrs. Adams.

"Okay so today we have a new student in our class. Can you come up and introduce yourself please?" Omg so the new student came today. He came up and started to introduce himself.

"Hi my name is Tyler Oakley" wow that name sounds familiars and he's so fucking hot oh my god! "I was born in Michigan, but I moved here when I was in the first grade and moved back to Michigan when I was in the sixth grade. And now I'm a junior in High School and I moved back here. I don't really do much but in my free time I like to go on social media and have fun. My mom and I, Jackie lived in a small home in Michigan and we decided it was time to move back." Holy shit omg he looks and sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I wonder why he has moved from here to Michigan so many times.

"Okay does anyone have any questions for Mr. Oakley?" Yes I have a question can you please move away from here so I don't cheat on my boyfriend because your so hot!

"No. Okay please take your seat Mr. Oakley."

Then my teacher started taking roll.

(Time skip to the person before Troye)

"Brian Salbia" my teacher said

"Here" Brian said. I was barley paying attention until the teacher called my name.

"Troye Sivan" I didn't answer. I was in my own little world.

"Troye Mellet!" She said and Mathew shook me.

"Present" I said my cheeks red from embarrassment. I'm the last student in our class so now she's done with roll and we begin class. Since Tyler was new to our class my teacher had to go through what we were doing with him.

A/N: OKAY SO THE BEGINNING STAGES OF SOME TROYLER ACTION. And also I have to decided that when I write Troye and Mathews breakup I will have a trigger warning at the beginning of the chapter. And before you ask no there is no self harm but it could hurt some of your hearts so yeah. I actually really love this chapter like a lot and it will get better. So yeah that's it I'll see you in the next chapter. Byeeeee
~Jazzmine 💗

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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