The New Girl

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(Picture up top is my friend Mack)

Avah's POV.

Once second period got started and out teacher started teaching about 3 minutes after the bell rings a girl rushes in the class. We all turn around and at the door was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. She was wearing a really pretty dress. It was really short though. She looked really embarrassed and she was blushing a lot. She went up to the desk my teacher was in and I guess introduced herself to him. She told her to introduce herself to the class so she did.

"Hi guys my name is Mack and in new here so I guess I tell you somethings about myself. I'm from California, I like to dance and sing. I take a dance class and I'm pretty good at singing I guess. My favorite food I'd pizza, I'm often a very friendly person unless you do something to me then I'm not as nice, and lastly I identify as gay." Woah she's gay. She's hella attractive. Luckily there was an empty seat next to me and Troye so she sat there. She talked to me first.

"Hi guys I'm Mack as you know. What are your names? I wanna know since I'm gonna be sitting here." She's so cute and adorable and innocent.

"Well may name is Avah and this is my best friend Troye." Troye waved but I could tell there was something going on. I have to admit when she was introducing herself I was checking her out. Troye looked a little sad after she sat down.

"Well hi it's nice to meet you guys." She said. I don't know how but I feel a connection between us. But I'm straight? Ugh I don't need to be thinking about this right now.

Since she's new here she needed help with the work so I helped her. I felt her staring at me the whole time I was helping her. Then I asked her about her schedule and we have all the same classes except first period. So I get to see her all day.

Time skip to last period.

So far I haven't had to help her much besides first period but I still sat next to her and Troye. We're in last period now and I'm talking to Troye.

"Okay so why didnt Tyler come to school today?" Troye asked sounding annoyed.

"Troye first of all why do you sound so annoyed and second of all Saarah said that he was just taking a break from school today."

"Avah why would I be annoyed it's not like my ex boyfriend and my boyfriend decided to have an affair and have sex behind my back and they your friends beat the shit out of Mathew because of this and then Tyler doesn't come to school." He said sarcastically. Then Mack speaks up.

"Okay I promise I'm not eavesdropping you guys are just right here but are you okay Troye?"

"What do you think?" He says sassily.

"Troye please stop, she didn't do anything to you she's just wondering if you're alright." Then Troye whispered something but I didn't here it.

"What did you say Troye?" I say kinda curious to know what he said.

"It's nothing Avah." By this time the bells about to ring and Mack takes out a piece of paper. I tried to figure out what was wrong with Troye. Then the bell rung. Mack handed me a piece of paper with her number on it and it said "text me tonight ;)" then I looked up smiling and she winked at me. SHE FUCKING WINKED AT ME. I defiantly like her but what about Troye?

A/n: so hi I added my friend Mack to the story. So this is her Wattpad mackpaige16 yes she's a Tronnor shipper but she's my friend so I recommend her Tronnor story it's really good. Love you Mack. So Avah might be gay/bi how do you guys feel about that? I like it lmao so yeah that's it for now. I'll see you in the next chapter. BYEEE ❤️
~Jazzmine 💙

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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