The support

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Troye's POV.

I'm hurt, pissed, and sad all at the same time. He doesn't care that he hurt me. Hes dating Mathew and probably fucking him to. If only I weren't a fucking virgin. I've been crying all day. I guess this is what heartbreak feels like.

It's 3:00 so school is out. I planned on calling some of my friends to come over and I'll tell them everything. I need to tell someone that's not in my family. I called my friends Avah, Sarah, and Kat over so I can tell them. I can trust them so I know they won't tell anyone else about it. They came over after school. They are 3 of my best friends. They came into my room and saw how fucked up I looked. My face was all puffy and my eyes were red and puffy from crying and I've been lying in bed all day with Nutella.

"Um Troye are you okay?" Avah said. She the one I trust most of all. She's my best friend and I can tell her anything.

"No not really. That's why I called you guys. I need to talk to you guys about something." I told them the whole story. From meeting Tyler for the first time to getting with Tyler to Me and Mathews breakup all the way until I found of Tyler was cheating on me with Mathew.

"I swear to god Troye, I will beat Mathews ass if I have to." Sarah said. I love her she's so nice but aggressive when she has to be.

"Thank you Sarah but I don't really think it's necessary. They're already together they're not really anything you guys can do."

"Yes there is." Kat said.

"Kat, please I know how aggressive you are and he may be my ex boyfriend but I don't want you to do anything to Tyler or Mathew."

"Fine. Can we at least talk to Tyler?"

"Yeah fine you can talk to him but please don't say I sent you because it wasn't my idea."

"Fine we won't but we will talk to Tyler." And then they were off to talk to Tyler and Mathew. I hope they dont hurt them.

Avah's POV.

"Okay guys are we really gonna talk to them." I say really scared because I don't like fighting.

"Well we're going to talk to Tyler." Sarah said. She's the most aggressive one in our group of friends.

"Well what about Mathew?" I asked a little scared for what they were gonna say.

"Oh him yeah we're going to beat his ass. He hurt Troye like physically and its not acceptable so we are going to give him the same treatment he gave Troye." Now I'm really scared.

"Guys I can't do that, I can't fight anyone. It may be fair but I can't do it. I'm just gonna go back to Troye's house and you guys can do that." Then I started running back to Troye's house.

Once I got there I went straight up to Troye's room. He was now crying and eating Nutella. It's very unhealthy for him but he's going through a break up so I guess it's allowed.


"Yeah?" He sounds broken and just defeated yet still crying.

"I came back. I just wanna be here for you and support you through this so I decided to come back."

"Thanks Avah that's really sweet."

"No problem anything to help out a friend." He was sitting up now and patting his hand down so I could sit next to him.

"Look Troye I know this is hard but you have to get over Tyler. He's backstabbing dick that deserves to be in hell. Troye trust me you will find someone else I promise. You're very attractive, nice, sweet, intelligent guy that anyone would be lucky to have." When I finished he was smiling. It made me smile. He pulled me in for a hug. When we pulled out of the hug our faces were very close. I don't know what came over me but I kissed him. I kissed my gay best friend and he kissed me back. Why would he do that he's gay or at least I think he is. I pulled out of the kiss first.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Troye I don't know what I was thinking it just hap-"

"Avah it's okay. I liked it."

A/n: okay so first of all in this fanfic Troye is completely 100% gay he was just trying this out so I promise you he's not bisexual or straight. This chapter is dedicated to gucci_troyler thegirlwhowrotetruth and saarahwaheed12 They wanted me to write a chapter with them in it so I did. I hope you guys like this chapter because I do and I'll see you in the next chapter. BYEEE
~Jazzmine 💗

My social media:
instagram: Troylernutella_12
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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