Mack did it!!

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Troye's POV.

"It was Mack. She was drunk and it just happened. We broke up so you can't really do anything." Avah said. I fucking knew it had something to do with Mack oh my god I will fucking hurt her when I find her. I got up and pushed Mathew out of the way so I could go find this asshole who hurt my best friend.

"Troye what are you doing?! I don't want you to hurt Mack. She doesn't deserve it. She was drunk, she didn't know what she was doing. I only broke up with her because I know how much she likes to drink and I don't want this to ever happen again."

"I'm going to find Mack. As much as I want to hurt her for hurting you I'm not going to, but only because you don't want me to." I said. I'm still angry about this. Thus isn't okay and I need to do something about it before it happens again.

"Okay good but Troye just please don't hurt her in any way. Not physically or mentally. I don't want her hurt at all once you're done talking to her."

"Fine. I won't." As much as I wanted to do something, Avah means way too much to me. So I'll just find her and talk to her. Nice and easy.

I found Mack in the library walking around are I came up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. I was about to go off.

"Oh my god Troye I'm so sorry about last night I didn't know what I was doing and it just happened. Hell I don't even remember what happened. I was really Drunk, wasted almost, and I get very aggressive when I'm drunk and I don't know what happened and I know Avahs your best friend but please don't hurt me. I really didn't mean it." I really didn't think she'd actually apologize for what she did. I thought I was gonna have to tell at her. Wow this made my job a lot easier.

"Mack just because you apologize doesn't mean I will accept it. Sure Avah will but I'm not. What you did was horrible and idk of i can ever trust you being around Avah while you're drunk anymore. I hate that I have to tell you that but I really don't want this to happen again."

"I understand that. I'll just stay away from Avah as much as I can" she said crying and walking away. I honestly felt bad for her but I couldn't. She hurt Avah and I could just let her get away with it. 

I went back to the bathroom and I saw Avah again so I just decided to talk to her and have her explain to me why this happened. After she explained we went to 1st period. I sat next to Avah and comforted her.

A/n: Heyyy long time no see *awkwardly laughs* guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like 2 weeks I'm sorry. A lot of shit has been going on in my life. For example, today a guy asked me out and I rejected him and now I feel bad. So yeah shit like that. This is so fucking short and is basically a filler chapter. Also guys idk where I really wanna go with this story so if you have any suggestions comment I really want this to be a good story. So on that note, I'm gonna go. I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Byeeee ❤️

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Instagram: fairysivan (yes a new Instagram username lol)
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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