The girlfriend

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Mack's POV.

When I walked in my second period class late today and everyone looked at me I noticed this beautiful girl. So because this was her first impression of me I was really embarrassed so I just went up to the front and introduced myself to my teacher then she told me to introduce myself to the whole class. While I was introducing myself I could feel that girl staring at me. She's hella cute but I haven't even met her and i don't know her sexuality. I know I'm gay but what if she's straight?

Luckily I was sat next to her and this guy that I hope isn't her boyfriend. Then the girl started to pay attention to me.

"Hi guys, I'm Mack as you you know. What are your names? I wanna know since I'm gonna be sitting here." I said politely.

"Well my name is Avah and this is my best friend Troye." Good hes just her best friend. Then Troye waved at me but it looked like a forced wave.

"Well it's nice to meet you guys." I said and we went to work. Since I was new here I didn't know anything but luckily Avah helped me.

We had every class together after that and then there was seventh period. During the day I decided at the end of seventh period I was gonna give her my number. When the end of seventh period came I wrote down my number on a piece of paper and when the bell rung I gave it to her and added a little wink at the end and then I left.

We get out of school at 2:15 so when I walked back home I waited and waited for her to text and when she finally did it was at 3:35. We texted back and forth and then my mom and my dad wanted me to tell them every single detail about my first day so I had to tell them and when I came back I had a text from Avah.

From: Avah 😜
Okay go ahead

To: Avah 😜
Sorry for having you wait so love, anyways when I first met you today I thought you were really nice and cute and I love everything about you do will you be my girlfriend?

When I didn't get an answer right away I assumed the worst. What if she already has a girlfri- I got a tex just then.

From: Avah 😜
Oh my god Mack yes of course I would love to be your girlfriend!

Oh my god. I literally freaked out. It was about 5 pm so I just decided to make myself dinner since both my parents are at work.

I got done with dinner at like 6 pm so I decided to text Avah but she wasn't answering. I was getting worried. It was about 10 pm and I was still spamming Avah to see why the hell she wasn't answering her texts. So I just went to sleep worried.

I woke up the next day with no texts from Avah so I just got ready for school like I did normally and went to school. When I got to school the first person I saw was Troye so I ran up to him.

"Troye have you seen Avah?!" I asked still worried.

"Yeah she's in Mr. Johnson's room."

"Okay thanks." I leave and when I go into the room I see Avah so I run up and hug her.


"Yeah Mack why wouldn't I be okay?" She laughed.

"Because you weren't answering any of my texts. I like spammed you."

"Oh yeah so my stupid ass step mother decided to take my phone because I had a guy in the house. Don't worry though, I snuck it back."

"Oh okay. Thank god you're okay. Did you have Troye over?"

"Yeah I did." After she said that Troye came in and she dragged me out of the classroom.

"Um Avah what's wrong?" I said wondering why she's avoiding Troye.

"Something just happened Yesterday. It's nothing." I don't believe her but I'll just go with it. The bell rung so we had to go to first period. We say Troye rushing towards us.

"Avah I'm sorry please forgive me I promise I didn't mean it. It was an accident I was just jealous and caught up in the moment." Troye said looking like he was gonna cry.

"Um what the hell happened here?" I asked

"Okay. A couple days ago I realized I had feelings for Avah and I was to scared to tell her and then she met you yesterday and now you're dating so i got really jealous and I told her then I told her that she had to like me or else were not friends anymore." He mumbled the last part but I still heard it.

"What the hell Troye? I've known you for one fucking day and this is what you do? Wow this is honestly just great." I say sarcastically.

"Avah just please forgive me. You're the only one I have left. Tyler still hasn't come back to school." Tyler says.

"Go talk to our fucking friends over there. I don't want to talk to you right now." She said pointing towards two girls and Troye just walked over there without saying anything.

"What the hell is his problem?" I ask.

"I don't know but as long as I got you babe, we'll be fine." She said as she hugged me and kissed my forehead. I hope it's not too soon to say I'm in love with this girl and it's only been one day.

A/n: so nothing really happened in this chapter so I guess it's just a filler chapter. There's a lot that's gonna happen in the next chapter or two so get excited for that. Well I've updated 4 times today I hope that makes up for making you wait for so long because I'm not updating again until tomorrow. Well that's it for now. I'll see you in the next chapter. BYEEE ❤️
~Jazzmine 💖
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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