Tyler's Back!!

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Tylers POV.

I haven't been to school in about 3 days. I've been heartbroken and just can't pface Troye right now. Mathews in jail and I'm pretty sure Troye hates me. I can't stand it. I've tried to text him but chickened out because I'm afraid he'll yell at me again. It's killing me but I plan on going to school tomorrow.

I've been crying for the past two days and have barley eaten anything. My mom had to force feed me yesterday because I didn't eat anything. I've been depressed and Troye hasn't even checked on me once. He doesn't care so why should I.

It's about 8 pm and I'm sitting on Tumblr. I don't know why because me and Troye used to sit on Tumblr together so I guess it brings back bad memories. While I was on Tumblr I saw that Troye recently posted. When I saw it I was scared for what happened in the past 3 days I was gone.

Troye Sivan
I just lost my best friend. Yay. Thanks Avah!

I wonder what happened. Should I text him? I mean why not he lost his best friend I think he deserves comfort. So I texted him hoping that he'll answer.

To: Troye 💔
Hey Troye I know we haven't talked in a while and I haven't been at school but are you okay? I saw your recent post on Tumblr and was wondering if you were okay and what happened. It's okay if you don't want to tell me what happened but I at least need to know if you're okay.

After about 5 minutes of waiting I got a text back.

From: Troye 💔
I'm fine Tyler thanks for asking. I'll tell you what happened whenever you comeback to school. Btw I forgive you and why hasn't Mathew been coming to school either? Tyler I swear to god I will fucking hit you if you and Mathew are still having that "affair" behind my back.

To: Troye 💔
I'm glad you're okay and not still mad at me and I thought they told you already. Mathew went to jail.

From: Troye 💔
What? Really? Why?

To: Troye 💔
Well apparently he threatened to kill you so Sarah and Kat called the cops and he was arrested.

From: Troye 💔
Oh well he fucking deserved it. I really hate him now. I thought he was nice but he's not he's a dick that doesn't deserve anyone.

To: Troye 💔
Yeah I guess. I'm pretty sure I'm coming to school tomorrow so I'll see you then.

From: Troye 💔
Okay bye Tyler.

I was kinda disappointed that he didn't say I love you but he's in the beginning stages of forgiving me. I really hope I don't fuck this up.

I go to sleep that night thinking about Troye and how it's gonna go when we finally talk again. I hope I don't breakdown that would be so fucking embarrassing oh my god.

I wake up the next morning not sad but not happy either. I'm going to see my ex boyfriend? I don't even know if we're still dating that's how confusing this whole situation is. I get ready for school and go downstairs to have breakfast. My mom kept asking me if I was okay and to be honest it was getting annoying but I still love her. I finally went to school and got away from my mom.

When I arrived at school I saw Avah talking to a girl I haven't seen before. I've been at this school for like a month and I'm pretty sure I know most of the people here. So I went up to Avah.

"Hey Avah." I say and her and the girl I've never met looked at me.

"Hi Tyler." Avah says awkwardly. The girl I dint know just looked at the ground.

"Do you know where Troye is?" I ask hoping she knows because I wanna talk to him face to face.

"No and im pretty sure he wouldn't want to talk to you." She said and I was really confused.

"What? Did I fuck up again?" I asked mostly myself but Avah heard it.

"What the fuck Tyler? Yes you fucked up, the whole You, Mathew and Troye thing. Does it ring a bell." She said sounding annoyed.

"Babe calm down it's fine." The girl I didn't know said. Babe? What? The last time I checked Avah was straight.

"Um Avah, whose this?" I ask giggling a little just so she knows that there's nothing wrong.

"Oh yeah, well this is my girlfriend, Mack. Mack this is the dickheads ex boyfriend." Dickhead?

"Why'd you call him a dickhead?" I ask.

"It's a long story but long story short, he told me he likes me, but by this time I already had a girlfriend so I told him that then he said that if I didn't date him then we weren't friends anymore so I guess we're not friends." I was pissed. What the hell why wouldn't he tell me he was bi? And especially why wouldn't he tell me that he liked Avah all this time.

Then the bell for first period rang and everyone started to come in. I saw Troye sitting next to the two girls that "talked" to me and Mathew.

"Hey Troye." I said.

"Hey Tyler nice to see you again." He smiled at me and he used his teeth. He should smile with his teeth more, it's cute. (hello Troyler reference) His two friends gave me a death glare that said 'if you hurt our friend again we will hurt you twice as much' so I backed off and went to my seat which I shared with Troye then I shared it with Mathew.

We're finally in seventh period and so far I've done pretty well until this period. Our teacher decides to move our seats. I get seated next to Sarah and Kat. Just my luck. They kept giving me a death stare whenever they weren't doing their work.

I saw that Troye got seated next to Avah and Mack and Troye didn't look happy about it. I kept looking at him. How could he not tell me he was bi? Did he think I wouldn't accept him? I need to fix things between us and I need to fix them now.

A/n: so yay Tylers back!! I know one person who hates Tyler in this fanfic so besides her I think all you guys are excited. So there will be some Troyler action coming up. I'm not gonna say If it'll turn out good or bad 😈. And guys I don't know how to write smut I promise I will write some soon but just not right now. I'm still learning I guess so you guys will get smut soon but I wouldn't wait on it I'll tell you when there's gonna be smut. Well that's it for now. I'll see you guys in the next chapter. BYEEE ❤️
~Jazzmine 💖

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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