The Texting

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Troye's POV.

Yes I've figured out that I do like Avah but this stupid bitch Mack is getting in the way. I know they're lowkey flirting with each other but that's supposed to be me and Avah not Avah and Mack. So yes I'm jealous of her. The bell just rung and I saw Mack give Avah a piece of paper and then she winked and then left. If I could I would snatch the paper out of her hands and rip it up but I can't. This is my best friends love life not mine. Avah turned around to face me she was smiling like an idiot.

"Avah what happened? Why the hell are you smiling like an idiot?" I ask.

"Mack just gave me her number. Oh my god I'm so fucking happy right now. Troye I like her and I think she likes me too." She said while smiling while me on the other hand was trying to smile and not be all sad and depressed even though I am.

"Hey I know you're still sad about Tyler and Mathew so how about we go get some food and go to my house?" I will on one condition.

"Will there be nutella?" I ask hoping she says yes. I really need my Nutella right now.

"Well duh I always have Nutella at my house." She laughed and I laughed too. This is literally the first time I've been actually happy all day. I'm happy for Avah, I really am but I just wish she was mine. I mentally hate Mack for stealing her away from me. I'll be nice to her in person but I still hate her.

We get in Avah's car and we go to the nearest McDonalds and get our food. Then we went to her house. As soon as we got there we went up to her room and she pulled out Mack's number and put it in her phone.

"Hey Avah don't you think you're being a little obsessive with Mack?" I ask.

"No I'm just texting her."

"You're texting her less than a hour after we got off from school? Don't you think that's a little obsessive?" I ask. Okay I guess il jealous of Mack but it's fine.

"Okay maybe a little but I really like her so I'm gonna text her." After 3 minutes she put her phone down.

"Okay so what's bothering you about Tyler and Mathew because you haven't talked about them all day. That's very unlike you."

"I'm just focused on other things." I said.

"And what other things are you thinking about." I can't just tell her though.

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"Okay I won't pressure you into anything but please just know you can tell me anything." She said.

"I know" I was about to say something else but I got inturupted.

Avah's POV.

When we got to my house I immediately put Mack's number in my phone and texted her.

To: Mack 🙈💖
Hi it's Avah from all your classes today lol

From: Mack 🙈💖
lol I know it's you Avah well hi. Okay I need to ask you something that might sound weird.

To: Mack 🙈💖
Yeah you can ask me anything.

From: Mack 🙈💖
What's your sexuality?

To: Mack 🙈💖
I'm gay. Why?

From: Mack 🙈💖
Well I wanted to ask you another thing.

To: Mack 🙈💖
Okay go ahead.

Then i realized that I still have Troye here so I stopped texting her and payed attention to Troye.

"Hey Avah don't you think you're being a little obsessive with Mack?" What the fuck Troye?

"No I'm just texting her" I say in a sort of harsh way. Then he started talking about how I'm obsessed with Mack even though I'm not. Then I asked him about Tyler and Mathew and he wouldn't say anything that was on his mind.

"Okay I won't pressure you into anything but please know you can tell me anything." I said sincerely.

"I know" he said. He was about to say something else but I got a text.

From: Mack 🙈💖
Sorry for having you wait so long, but anyways when I met you today I thought you were really nice and cute and I love everything about you so will you be my girlfriend?

I was so shocked that all I could do was scream. So I screamed.

To: Mack 🙈💖
Oh my god Mack yes of course i would love to be your girlfriend!

Troye must have thought something was wrong.

"Oh my god Avah what's wrong." He ran up to me. I just covered my mouth and showed him the text. Once he was done reading it he looked sad.

"Troye what's wrong? Aren't you happy for me?"

"Yes I'm very happy for you but I have to tell you something."

"Troye remember you can tell me anything."

"Avah I like you."

A/n: so sorry to leave you off on a cliffhanger but I have many ideas on how Mack and Avah's relationship can go. And there will be drama coming up so look forward to that. That's pretty much it. I'll see you in the next chapter. BYEEE ❤️
~Jazzmine 💜

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_12
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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