Only "Fools"

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Troye's POV.

Im in seventh period and I was fine sitting with Kat and Sarah then our stupid ass teacher decides to move our seats because "some of us were talking too much" so I get sat next to the people I didn't want to sit next to. Mack and Avah. We looked at each if he and where we were sitting.

"Oh come on!" We both said in unison. The teacher looked at us.

"I thought you guys would like to sit next to each other since you're best friends."

"We're not best friends." We said in unison again.

"Would you stop that!" We said again looking at each other.

"Ugh!!" We both said again and just sat down in our seats. We didn't talk to each other the rest of the period.

Once I was at home I texted Tyler which is something I would never do even when we were dating. I would always wait for him to text first.

To: Tyler 🍌
Hey Tyler how was your day. Mines was shitty. Yay 🙄

From Tyler 🍌
Mine was fine but I missed a lot. I thought Avah was straight but she has a girlfriend. I thought you were gay but it turns out you like Avah so I guess that makes you bi. So yeah my day was peachy.

I was shocked. How did he find out about me being bi.

To: Tyler 🍌
How did you find out I was bi? I haven't officially came out to anyone yet.

From: Tyler 🍌
I learned from your stupid little crush of yours. How could you not tell me? And before you accuse me of anything, there's nothing wrong with being bi and if we were together I would still date you but why wouldn't you tell me about this?

To: Tyler 🍌
Well you were gone for 3 fucking days and I was pissed at you did you really expect me to talk to you after all the shit that's happened ever since we fucking got together in the first place? I've also realized something. Ever since we got together all  the horrible things that have happened to us is YOUR fucking fault!  It's your fault that our relationship didn't work out. It's your fault that I'm bisexual. If you wouldn't have done all these things then I wouldn't have even thought of Avah that way. I would know that I was yours and only yours. I'm a loyal person and your just a sex addicted dick!

I felt a little better after I sent that. One thing no one not even my family knows about me is that I like to write songs. I write whenever I get inspired and right now is one of those moments. So I wrote a verse and a chorus. It's called Fools.

"Fools" by Troye Sivan Mellet

I am tired of this place I hope people change. I need time to replace what I gave away. And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small. Though I try to resist, I still want it all.

I see swimming pools and living rooms and aeroplanes. I see a little house on the hill and children's names. I see quiet nights poured over ice and Tanqueray. But everything is shattering and it's my mistake.

Only fools fall for you, only fool. Only fools do what I do, only fools fall. Only fools fall for you, only fools. Only fools do what I do only fools fall.

I dedicated the song to Avah and most of all Tyler. I've attempted to write many songs but have failed. I have only made one song that I really like besides this one. It's called Happy Little pill and it's was directed towards Mathew when we were dating.

I never planned to tell anyone about my songs but if I don't tell them they will be bound to find out soon. I'm not gonna let that happen though.

I checked my phone again to see no text from Tyler. It's been 30 minutes. So I just didn't bother with it. I think he go my message. I don't even feel bad for sending it to be honest, I feel better that I did.

A/n: SO I INCLUDED FOOLS TO THE STORY!! I'm gonna include more of his music to the story. Believe it or not my cousin cam up with this idea. She's the only one in my family that knows I write FanFiction and the only one in my family that has read my fanfic so thank her. So I think that's it for this chapter. I'll see you in the next one. BYEEE ❤️
~Jazzmine 💙

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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