The Affair

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Mathew's POV.

Yes I did have sex with Tyler. Do I feel bad about it? Hell no. Tyler is fucking sexy and I like him plus it was a way to get back at Troye. Double bonus.

Right now I'm on my way to his house so we can "talk" about what happened but in reality it's just going to be more sex because oh my god it was amazing at the party.

When i made it to his house his mom opened the door.

"Um hi can I help you." Yes can you get the fuck out so I can have sex with your son and be as loud as i want.

"Yes. My name is Mathew and I REALLY need to talk to Tyler. It's very important."

"Well Tyler is in his room and hes sick but if you wanna talk to him you can." Okay I'll just have to be quiet. I think I can do that.

I went up to his room and opened his door to see that he was on his computer. He looked up and anger filled all his features just like Troye when I came into his room after our break up.

"Mathew what are you doing here and get the fuck out."

"Tyler you know why I'm here. I'm here for you daddy."

"Mathew cut the shit get out of my fucking house."

"Okay Tyler can you at least talk to me and we can make a deal."

"Fine Mathew what the hell do you want?"

"Okay so do you like the sex between us."

"Sadly yes I do."

"Well Troye Sivan is a virgin so until he's ready to lose his virginity I say we have a secret affair and we can have meaningless sex whenever we want."

"Mathew as tempting as that sounds I can't do that to Troye. Hes my boyfriend I can't have an affair with my boyfriends ex."

"Please Tyler. I know you want to. I know you want to do this as much as I do." By this Tim I was on his bed. I put my hand on his thigh.

"Ugh fine Mathew just kiss me." We sat there on his bed making out until I tried to put my hand on his dick. He stopped kissing me.

"Mathew as much as i wanna do this my mom is home and we both know how loud you are." He smirked. We both started laughing.

"Shut the fuck up I'm not that loud."

"Mathew at the party we were lucky there was loud music or else we would have been caught a lot sooner."

"Oh my god shut up. Well I have to go." I laughed.

"Okay bye Matty." I really love that nickname

"Bye Ty" after that I left and went to school. Third period was just about to end so I parked my car and waited for the bell. Once the bell rung I got out my car to go get some lunch.

One thing Tyler didn't realize was when we were making out I took his phone. Troye thinks he's texting "Tyler" but in reality he's texting me.

From: Troye 💙
Look Tyler I'm so sorry about what happened I was just hurt and I didn't mean to yell at you. I really hope you can forgive me. Again I'm so sorry.

Wow I wonder what happened between them yesterday but that's not the point. The point is to break up Troye and Tyler so I can have Tyler for myself.

To: Troye 💙
Oh my god I'm dying you actually think I'm going to fucking forgive you just like that. Well no bitch it's not that easy. I have a new boyfriend now aka your ex and he's way better than you wil ever be so goodbye forever Troye Sivan.

I sent it and to me it took forever to reply.

From: Troye 💙
Okay Tyler just letting you know that just because you're dating Mathew doesn't mean you'll forget all the good times we had together and to be fucking honest I missed Mathew but I knew that would be cheating on you if I made a move. So you know what Tyler fuck you. You don't fucking deserve me and I hope you go to the deepest pits of hell. Goodbye forever Tyler. Don't ever fucking speak to me ever again. I'm done with you. You've caused me so much pain and just because you wanted someone like Mathew like damn I know he's hot but seriously?

Oh my god he still likes me that's so funny because I fucking hate him.

To: Troye 💙
Oh my god and you actually think I care and yes I know Mathew is cute that's why he's mine. Stay the fuck away from him you freak. Goodbye I never wanna speak to you again.

I sent that as the bell rung for us to go to 5th period. I'm happy, now I actually have a chance with Tyler.

A/n: okay please don't hate me. I promise it'll get better. That's it lmao BYEEE 😂
~Jazzmine 💗

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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