Tyler: the fuck up

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Tylers POV.

Okay Troye officially hates me. I don't know what to do. I can't cry I've cried too much because of him. It's not worth it.

I wanted to text him back I really did but I just couldn't. I can't deal with his shit anymore. So I did something I was bound to regret later but right now it seems like the greatest idea ever. I bailed Mathew out of jail.

I'm very frustrated both sexually and in general. I hope we still have our deal going on. He's proven that I can't trust him but I need to get my frustration out on someone.

Time skip to after he bails out Mathew.

After I got Mathew he kept thanking me and telling how much of a hell that place is. Soon we got to my house and I was losing all my self proportion. I just wanted to attack him. So when we got in the house that's what I did. I attacked him on my couch. Luckily my mom was out of town for a few days so I would be home alone for like 5 more days so if we want to be can be as loud as we want but we still have neighbors.

Luckily Mathew was down to have sex because if he wasn't I was gonna have to play with myself and I don't want to do that. I want him to fuck me. I may sound desperate but I need this. It's been a stressful week and I deserve this.


Note to self: If you ever have sex with Mathew try to pick a day where NO ONE is in the neighborhood. Mathew is load as fuck and I'm pretty sure my whole neighborhood knows we had sex.

Since Mathew got arrested at school he left his car there. So I drove him to school and he left. I can't believe I did this. Now I know why Troye can't Trust me.

I went home and just thought about what I did. It may have been wrong but it felt so right.  I don't want to tell anyone though. They'll find out at school tomorrow.

Time skip to the next day

I got ready for school and texted Mathew.

To: Mathew 😈
Hey Mat come to school today I wanna see you again even though I was in you last night ;) see you at school.

From: Mathew 😈
Okay bye babe can't wait to see you ;)

So I got ready for school and went to school. When I first got to school I saw Troye. He looked at me and turned and walked away. I walked up to him and he just pushed me away.

"Tyler get the fuck away from me. What the fuck do you want?" He said clearly annoyed with me. I don't know why. I haven't done anything.

"I want to know why you're mad at me. I didn't do anything to you besides all the things that happened but just move past that. That was 2 weeks ago I'm sure we can get over that. But why are you mad at me?"

"Of course you wouldn't know what the fuck you did wrong." He said like it was so obvious. It's not.

"Troye I'm not Sherlock just tell me what the fuck I did wrong."

"Everything. You've done everything wrong. I never should have dated you. I thought you would be more fucking mature after 5 years. 5 fucking years Tyler. I wanted to be with you because I felt a connection between us but you just had to fucking take it and rip it to pieces. So that's what you fucking did."

Then he turned and walked away. I was surprised and shocked. How did I fuck this up so badly? I just had sex with his ex less than 12 hours ago. How the hell am I gonna fix this. I'm just Tyler the fuck up aren't I?

A/n: omfg I'm so sorry for the long ass wait a lot of shit has been going on in my life PLUS I didn't know what I was gonna write for this chapter. Also sorry this is so sad I'm kinda trying to make Tyler a bad guy. You'll see why soon. So yeah i think that's it. I'll update soon I promise you guys won't have to wait this long for another chapter ever again. I had writers block. Okay well that's it. BYEEE ❤️
~Jazzmine 💜

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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