Me and Mathew

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Troye's POV.
My boyfriend Mathew and I have been dating for almost a year. He is literally the best boyfriend ever! He's so sweet and caring and I love him so much. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

"Hey babe"

"Hey Mathew" I'm really excited to see him. We only have one class together and its 1st period. It's finally the end of the day and I get to see him again.

"How was your day?" Mathew asks me this everyday but I don't care it never gets annoying.

"Pretty good. I've been hearing we're getting a new student soon. I hope we could be their friend."

"Yeah I've been hearing about it to. I hope he can be apart of our group."

"So what do you wanna do today. I'm thinking a little pizza date?" I say this because I know Mathew's favorite food is pizza and I really wanted to go on a date with him.

"Yes let's go but-"

"No Mathew I'm paying. I'm the one taking you out so I get to pay this time."

(Time skip)

After we were done with our pizza we went over to my house. Nobody was home besides my mom, Laurelle.

"Hey guys" my mom said in a peppy voice. I can tell someone's happy

"Hey Mrs. Mellet. How are you?" Mathew says. He's so fucking polite. I love it.

"Great, how about you Mathew?"

"My day was great because I got to spend my first period with this bundle of joy" he said that hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. I smiled. Ever since I met Mathew I have been the happiest I have ever been in a while.

(Time skip)

"Well I have to go, my mom wants me back at the house. I'll see u tomorrow. I love you"

"I love you to Matty, I'll see u tomorrow."

When he left my mom immediately called me in the kitchen.

"Yeah mom what is it?"

"So I heard there's going to be a new boy at your school"

"Wait it's a guy?"

"Yes and I heard he's pretty cute if u know what I'm saying"

"Oh my gosh, okay first of all I have a boyfriend, and second of all now me and Mathew can't put him in our group"

"And why can't you, Troye"

"Because Mathew gets jealous easily and if the new guy is cute then Mathew will think that he's going to try to take me away from him and I don't want to get in a fight and/or break up with Mathew. He's so nice and caring and ever since I've been with him, I've been the happiest I've been in a long time."

"Okay first of all Troye, you can do what you want, you don't have to rely on Mathew for everything and second of all, really because Mathew doesn't seem like the jealous type."

"Oh my god mom, I'm leaving bye"

I went up to my room and thought about what my mom said and she's right I don't have to rely on Mathew for everything. If he's cute oh well he's going to be in our group no matter what he says. He's going to be our friend.

A/N okay so 3 chapters in one day wow 😂 Okay so there an explanation. I get bored very easily so now that I have started this when I get bored I will write so expect more chapters today 😂. And I also know that this is hella short but I promise it will get longer and more interesting later in the story so just be patient 😂. So I decided to have Troye and Tyler meet first before I go all into the flashbacks to when they're children. I really hope you guys are enjoying this story and again this is my first story so I know it sucks 😂 well anyways at the rate I'm going I'll see u later today byeeee 😂
~Jazzmine 💗

(676 words)

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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