The breakup

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Avah's POV.

*Flashback to last night*

I was at home alone because my parents are out of town and I got a call from Mack asking me to pick her up from a party she went to. She sounded drunk I really hate when she drinks, she gets very aggressive and horny and she yells a lot and it's always frustrating when she's drunk. Yes I know she's only 17 but I can't control her, thats her parents job.

So I picked her up and she was totally wasted and I was worried she was gonna puke in my car. Luckily she didn't but I was still worried that she would on the way back to my house.

While we were in the car she kept trying to come onto me and I kept pushing her away. She got all mad and pouty but I didn't feel bad. I wasn't gonna give her my virginity while she was drunk.

When we got to my house I had to carry her because she couldn't walk. She kept kissing my neck and basically taking advantage of me holding her in a sexual way. When we finally got in the house I took her to my brothers old room. He's in college so he moved out. I put her down on the bed and she wouldn't let go of me. I pretty much had to rip her off of me.

She didn't like that I did that so she punched me anywhere she could reach. Repeatedly. She punched me in the face and I was sure I would have a black eye later, she punched my chest and basically almost everywhere on my upper body. It hurt so much I started crying but she wouldn't stop hitting me.

Finally after like 5 minutes of her hitting me she calmed down. After I left her in the room to fall asleep I went in my room and cried. I cried myself to sleep and I knew I had to break up with her so that's what I did.

When I woke up I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I wanted to break it. I had bruises all over my body and I had a black eye. I started crying again. I stayed in the bathroom crying for about 30 minutes. When I finally stopped I decided it was time to do it. I had to break up with Mack. She may have been drunk when she did this but she still did it and I don't want it to happen again.

I woke up Mack and gave her some medicine for her headache and was gonna do it. I was really scared for her reaction. Sice she could barley open her eyes, once she got used to the light she looked at me and gasped.

"Avah what happened to you?!" Mack said obviously worried about me which made what I'm about to say 100x worse.

"Mack you did this. You were wasted last night and I picked you up and brought you here but when I tried to leave you kept repeatedly punching me anywhere you could reach. I'm so sorry Mack but I want to break up. I just don't want this to ever happen again and I know how much you like drinking I'm so sorry Mack." Then u got up and left for school. When I got there I saw Mathew. We looked at each other and he started heading toward me. When he got to me he grabbed my arm and yanked me to the boys bathroom.

*Flashback over*

"Avah, who did this to you?" Troye said like he was worried and pissed. I almost didn't want to tell  him.

"It was-" I couldn't finish the sentence. I started crying.

"Let her go!" Troye said through clinched teeth. Mathew let me go and he hugged me.

"Please tell me who did this to you. I need to know Avah, you're my best friend and I really care about you." I was looking down but I finally stopped crying enough to tell him who it was.

"It was Mack. She was drunk and it just happened. We broke up so you can't really do anything." I looked up in time to see Troye push Mathew out of the way and out the door. I hope he doesn't do anything to hurt Mack. We may have broken up but she still means so much to me.

A/n: so hey sorry but another cliffhanger. I just thought this chapter was getting a little long so I should just stop it here. So yeah sorry I haven't updated in a while I didn't really know what I wanted to do with this chapter so I was trying to figure it out. So anyways yeah that's about it. I'll see you in the next chapter. Byeee ❤️
~Jazzmine 💜

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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