Mathew the fuckboy

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Troye's POV.

After I got finished writing the song I went on Tumblr for a bit then I got a text.

From: Mathew 🖕🏼
Hey bitch I'm back. Didn't think you'd see me again did you?

Wait how did he fucking get out of jail?

To: Mathew 🖕🏼
How the fuck did you get out of jail?

From: Mathew 🖕🏼
Your ex boyfriend bailed me out. He looks like he's gonna attack me though. I'll defiantly have fun with that ;)

After that he left. I swear to fucking god if they had sex again I will never forgive Tyler ever again.

About 2 hours later Mathew texted me again. When I read it, it broke me.

From: Mathew 🖕🏼
Just had amazing sex with your ex. I'm pretty sure all his neighbors know we did. I was pretty loud. How do you feel now bitch?

After I read that I though my phone at the wall and cracked it but I didn't care. The only thing I cared about in that moment was my heart because it felt like it was going to pop out of my chest. I was pissed, sad, and depressed all at the same time. I just don't understand why Mathew is out to hurt me. I did nothing to him yet he wants to hurt me every way possible.

To: Mathew 🖕🏼
You want to know how I fucking feel. I feel hurt, betrayed, sad, pissed, and depressed. Mathew why the hell are you out to fucking hurt me. I did nothing wrong and I didn't do anything to you.

From: Mathew 🖕🏼
Oh babe you did everything wrong. You fucked me over to get with Tyler and you fucking stayed with him instead of getting back with me.

To: Mathew 🖕🏼
Wait is this what this is all about. Tyler?

From: Mathew 🖕🏼
Oh my god of course not. Tyler is apart of it. It's about our relationship in general. You were always so controlling and I was getting tired of it but I couldn't dump you because I loved you like a lot so I stayed with you. You were controlling and mean to me around your family but a sweet little fucking angel when we're alone. I didn't get it. So when Tyler came along I knew it was bad news. You may have been annoying as hell I still loved you and never wanted to lose you. When he actually did take you away from me I got angry. I may have been angry at Tyler but I was more mad at you. You promised me that he wouldn't get in the way yet he did. When I hit you that was my opportunity to get all my anger out from our relationship plus the Tyler situation. So no it's not all about Tyler.

Woah I didn't know that's how he felt. I thought he was perfectly fine with our relationship. And I was defiantly not controlling.

To: Mathew 🖕🏼
I didn't know you felt that way about our relationship. It almost makes me feel bad but luckily I don't. Bitch I don't fucking care how you feel I only care about the fact that you had sex with my boyfriend. I don't want you to fucking touch him again got it. I can't stand the fact that I was saving my virginity for him yet he slept with my ex 3 fucking times!

From: Mathew 🖕🏼
Well too bad bitch he's mine now and doesn't want to be with you anymore because if he did he wouldn't have bailed me out of jail just to have sex with me.

I was done with him so I didn't text back. This is the reason I get depressed. This is the reason I didn't want to date anyone for a while. I can't take all this drama I hate it and I don't like it. I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. I just wish I never started dating in the first place.

I sat there in my chair crying. I lost my boyfriend to a stuck up fuckboy like Mathew. This is horrible I hate this so much. Why the fuck does Mathew exist? I hate him so much. Mathew doesn't need to be on this Earth. He needs to be killed.

A/n: so hey. The ending of this chapter sucks and I hate it. I had an idea for it last night but I was really tired so when I typed it it was basically gibberish so I had to erase it. I literally can't write when I'm tired 😂 so yeah that's it. I'll see you in the next chapter. BYEEE 💙
~Jazzmine ❤️

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Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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