The Date

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Troye's POV.

So Tyler asked me out on a date. I love him so why would I say no. He fucking sang to me and oh my god he has the voice of a fucking goddess. It's so sexy oh my fucking god.

I'm in fifth period right now. The only class i don't have with Tyler. I wish I did though. I want to be with him 24/7 if that sounds creepy than oh well I love him and nothing will ever change that.

In fifth period I sit next to this girl named Zoe Sugg. She's a very nice girl. Ever since she first found out that me and Tyler were dating she has been shipping us. For her our ship name is Troyler. I like the name I think I'll mention it to Tyler. Right now she's talking to me about us. I don't know how she knows so much about us but she does.

"Oh my gosh, have you guys been on your first date yet?" I trust Zoe so I'll tell her.

"Nope, but he did ask me out on a date last period. I'm not sure where we're going yet though."


"Thank you I'm happy too." I started blushing and Zoe started 'Awweing' and i just blushed.

(Time skip to after school)

I got home and started listing to music. I've been thinking of writing my own songs but I'm not that creative. I don't know how people do it. It's about 6:15 and Tyler said that he was going to pick me up for our date at 7:30. So I have an hour and 15 minutes to get ready.

I start getting ready while listening to music. My favorite song at the moment is Pony by Ginuwine but my family is downstairs and I don't have headphones so I have to settle for my second favorite song, Gasoline by Halsey. Halsey is so pretty and such a great singer. I finished getting ready at 7:15 so I still had 15 minutes to do nothing. I got very bored so I just went downstairs to see my whole family in the living room. I have only told my mom about Tyler and about me and Mathew breaking up so the rest of my family are probably thinking I'm going out with Mathew. When I went downstairs they all looked at me.

"Troye, where are you going?" My sister, Sage asked.

"On a date, with my boyfriend." I mumbled. I need to tell them but not right when I'm about to go on my date.

"Ohh wheres Mathew taking you?" When she said that it pulled on my heart strings. I looked at my mom with tears in my eyes and she just came and hugged me. I really needed it.

"Um mom, what's going on with Troye?" My sister asked.

"I'll tell you guys when he's gone. I don't want him to be stressed out on his date." My mom said. I love her so much. She always knows exactly what to say. The rest of my family nodded.

I had 10 minutes left so I decided to look in the mirror in the living room. I saw that my hair was all messed up so I gasped and ran up the stairs to my room to fix my hair. When I finished Tyler texted me.

From: Tyler 💗
Hey babe, I'm here come out when you can 😘

To: Tyler 💗
Okay baby, be there in a sec 😘

After I sent that text I went downstairs again.

"Okay I'm about to leave bye mom." I was about to walk out the door when she answered.

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