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Troye's POV.
I woke up the next morning at 8:30 am to realize it was Sunday. Ugh why couldn't the weekend be longer. But the good side of it is I woke up wrapped in Mathew's arms. I loved being the little spoon its so comforting. When I woke up I woke up Mathew.

"Morning baby" Mathew said. His voice deep from just waking up. It's very sexy.

"Morning" I said stretching

"How'd you sleep?"

"Great because your with me. I love you"

"I love you too baby"

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked Mathew he always does the things I love because he knows so much about me.

"I think we should just stay home and relax our last day of the weekend" perfect. I love him so much.

"Yes, to be honest the last thing I want to do on my last day of the weekend is go somewhere and do something." We both started laughing and watched a little Tv.

Mathew's POV.
I woke up to Troye moving in my arms. Why is he up so fucking early? I really don't want to be up but I'm already up so oh well.

"Morning babe" I say my voice still deep from just waking up.

"Morning" he says as he stretches. He's so fucking cute! I guess seeing him being this adorable was worth waking up at 8:30 am for.

"How'd you sleep" I mean I slept great but I wanna see if he did too.

"Great because you're with me. I love you."

"I love you too baby" I will never get tired of saying that.

"So what do you wanna do today?" To be honest I just wanna lie in bed with my baby boy and watch tv all day.

"I think we should just stay home and relax our last day of the weekend" I reminded him that it was Sunday and that I don't wanna do anything today.

"Yes, to be honest the last thing I wanna do on the last day of the weekend is go somewhere and do something." We both started laughing and watched tv for a while.

After a while I think Troye got tired again and fell asleep on my lap. He's so fucking adorable when he sleeps. Wow okay that sounded hella creepy but I am his boyfriend so I can say that.

About a half hour later Troye finally woke up and we just laid there in silence until Troye spoke up.



"Can we just lay here all day?" I thought he already knew the answer to this.

"I'll do anything you want sweetie."

A/N: So hi its currently 12:45 am (2/7/16) and I have ONE FUCKING DAY UNTIL I SEE TROYE OMFG IM SO EXCITED. So me and _youtube_fanfics_ now have an actual fan account. Follow @javahnutella_13 on Instagram. So anyway the next chapter will be Tylers POV and he might be going to school idk if I wanna do that part yet. But he doesn't meet Troye yet I'm going to let him meet all his other friends then I'll let him meet Troye. I'm very proud of this fanfic and I hope you guys love It.
~Jazzmine 💗

(555 words)

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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