Troye makes a choice

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Tylers pov.

"Will you be my boyfriend again?" He asked desperately.

"As much as I want to Troye, I can't. I don't deserve you after all the shit I've done. I'm sorry" I got up and left the whole party all together. I kinda felt bad I mean it is his birthday and his potential 'boyfriend' just rejected him and left. I just don't know if I trust myself with him just yet.

I drove home and the more I though about it the more I realized what a stupid decision I made. I still want him.

Troyes pov.

What the fuck just happened? We went from making out in my room to him fucking leaving my party because of something I did. Why do I not feel bad? He's right, he doesn't deserve me if he's gonna act like that. Avah came in my room then.

"What the fuck happened and why did Tyler leave?"

"I don't know but oh well. He left and said that he didn't deserve me so I'm not gonna fight for him. It's a waste of time."

Time skip

Avahs pov.

When i got to school the first thing I see is a wall to my face. Someone pushed me. I get up to see who it was a there stood Mathew. My nose was bleeding.

"Why the fuck did you push me into a wall you fucking asshole!"

"Because I need you're precious little best friend. We need to talk." He said more calmly than he was a couple seconds ago.

"Ha, why the duck should I do that? Look at what the fuck you just did to my nose and I did nothing to you verses Troye and you expect me to let you even go near him? Yeah, no way."

"Fine, then I'll have to go find him myself." And he grabbed my arm and took me with him. We found Troye talking to Saarah and Kat.

"Hey Troye-boy. I need a little favor." He said as sweetly as he could.

"What the hell Mathew. Why do you have Avah and don't ever call me Troye-boy." He said angrily

"Well I have an idea but we have to get off of school grounds first." Once we left school we went to a foresty woods type thing.

"Now Troye, I heard you and Tyler made up yesterday? Is that true?"

"That's none of your business you fucking psychopath!"

"Okay then I'll get to the point. I miss you Troye-boy, so either you take me back, or your precious little Avah goes bye-bye" he said and then he pulled out a gun and put it to my head.

"Mathew, you wouldn't" Troye said in disbelief. I was scared for my fucking life. He's about to kill me if Troye doesn't take him back.

"Oh, I would." He smirked and pulled the trigger.

"Mathew I'm not taking you back. Just leave her the fuck alone."

"Oh, but if you don't I'll shoot her right through her pretty little head."


"I'm sorry but I'm not taking him back" he looked at me apologetically. I can't believe  he's doing this.

"Okay then." And that's the last thing I remembered.

Troyes pov.

What the fuck did I just do. I just killed my best friend.

"Mathew, what the fuck?" All I saw was blood. Everything went black. I passed out.

A/n: so I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in like 2 months damn okay anyway I'm sorry to say this but this is the second to last chapter. The next chapter will be the end of Ease and just be prepared. Anyways that's all for now and I'll see you in the next/last chapter 🙃
- Jazzmine 💖

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Instagram: Kittytroye
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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