The talk with Tyler

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Troye's POV.

I arrived at school and the first person I saw was Mack so I decided to talk to her.

"Hey Mack, have you seen Avah today?" I asked. I really need to talk to her.

"Nope I haven't but even if I have she wouldn't want to talk to you. She hates you." She said and gave me a dirty look.

"I know she hates me but if you see her can you please tell her I need to talk to her. I may have fucked up a lot but I hope she's still my best friend." I said hopefully.

"Fine but only because you seem like a genuinely nice person."

"Thank you so much Mack." Then she left. I stood there just in case I saw Avah but when I turned around I made eye contact with the person I didn't want to. Tyler. He started walking toward me and I turned to walk away but he caught me by the arm and I pushed him away.

"Tyler get the fuck away from me. What the fuck do you want?" I asked already annoyed with him.

"I want to know why you're mad at me. I didn't do anything to you besides all the things happened but let's just move past that. That was 2 weeks ago I'm sure we can get over it. But anyways why are you mad at me?" Wow I honesty thought this was very fucking obvious but I guess it didn't go through his thick ass skull.

"Wow of course you wouldn't know what the fuck you did wrong." It's so fucking obvious oh my god.

"Troye, I'm not Sherlock tell me what the fuck I did wrong."

"Everything. You've done everything wrong. I never should've dated you. I thought you would be more fucking mature after 5 years. 5 fucking years Tyler! I wanted to be with you because I felt a connection between us but you just had to take it and rip it to pieces. That's what you fucking did." I felt tears brim my eyes so I turned and walked away. I went to the bathroom and cried. I cried for a whole period. I missed 1st period because of Tyler.

I was on the floor when someone came in. It was the person I wanted to see the most but it was followed by the person I hated the most. In the bathroom I first saw Avah but she looked scared then I saw Mathew. Mathew was holding Avah from the back of her shirt and since she's short and skinny it was easy to pick her up like that.

I saw Avah mouth the words 'help me' the I noticed the bruise on her face. Did Mathew fucking hit her?! If he did I swear to god I will hurt him. I decided that I would talk after I got my voice together so I didn't sound weak.

"Mathew what the fuck did you do to her?!"

"I didn't-" Mathew said but he didn't finish because Avah interrupted him.

"Troye it wasn't him." She said crying. But if it wasn't Mathew then who the hell did this?!

"Avah, who did this to you?!" I want to know so I can't beat the living shit out of them.

"It was-"

A/n: oops sorry but cliff hanger. Comment "🔜" if you're dying to know who hurt Avah. Well anyways I thought you guys deserved an update so here you go. I'll update soon for the people who really wanna know who hurt Avah but yeah other than that that's it. I'll see you in the next chapter. BYEEE

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
(Btw I've deleted most of my social media apps so I can make room on my phone but I should be getting them back soon)

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