The crush

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(Picture up top is my best friend Avah)

Avah's POV.

So me and Troye sat next to each other in class and whenever he wasn't paying attention I kept staring at him. He's so fucking attractive but sadly he's gay and I have no chance with him.


I've liked Troye ever since our 8th grade year. It was his second year of middle school and we've been friends for about a year. We started to hang out together at his house a lot after school and soon I discovered that I had feelings for him. I've never told him about my feelings towards him and I don't plan to any time soon.

He came out when we were freshmen in high school so about 3 years ago. I was the first person he came out to. I was his best friend so he told me first. When he told me I was heartbroken but I had to stay strong at least until he left because if I just broke down crying he would know and I didn't want that. As soon as he left my house I cried. A lot. I just lost my crush I had for 2 years. I didn't go to school for a week because I was so heartbroken. I lived with my step mom and she could care less about me so she didn't question me when I stayed home. Troye called me to see why I wasn't at school. I couldn't tell him it was because of him because that's would be really wrong and I would be a bad friend if I did that so I just said I was sick.

About halfway through the week Troye knew I wasn't sick. He knew that no one that's "sick" stays out of school for 3 days straight without absences. So on that Thursday he came to my house and talked to me. He asked me if I was okay. I said no. Luckily I had a bunch of tissues from crying so I used those as an excuse to make it look like I was just blowing my nose a lot. He bought it and then he left. I was never fine and to this day I will never be fine because my crush likes guys and will never like me.

*flashback over*

Once I came back to Earth I realized Troye was shaking me and I was crying.

"Avah are you okay? Why are you crying?" Troye said sounding concerned.

"I'm fine Troye I was just thinking about what Mathew and Tyler did to you. It wasn't right and it just made me sad so yeah I'm fine." I said and just looking at him made me smile. Troye must have bought it because he smiled back and went back to his work.

As soon as class ended I saw Kat and Saarah. I asked them where Tyler was and they said that he just went home and he wasn't coming to school today at all. Then me Troye Kat and Saarah went to second period together. I told Kat and Saarah about how I was gonna sit next to Troye during all his classes so they sat with each other and me and Troye sat together again. This is hurting me a lot. I like him but he's gay. I'm doing this for him, to make him feel better but it's hurting me and I don't know how much longer I can go without telling him.

A/n: so hi I really like this chapter and I have a little idea for the story but I have to check with 2 people. So if they say yes look forward to it ;) so yeah that's it. I'll see you in the next chapter. BYEEE ❤️
~Jazzmine 💚

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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