The end

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****Trigger warning****

Troyes pov.

I woke up in a house that wasn't mine and I was tied up. Mathew. And there we was on his bed on his phone.

"Mathew get me out of here. I don't want to be with you. You hurt me both physically and mentally. I hate this just let me go and this can all be over."

"Ha, yeah not happening you're mine now like you should've been in the first place." He got up and untied me. Then I got an idea. Depending on how well he responds I might die but it's worth it. Mathew left the room so i decided to do it. I was gonna "hang myself" I'm not gonna actually do it but just for show.

I did it in a way where it didn't cut out my air ways. I'm a good enough actor to know how to act like I'm dead for a long period of time.

Mathews pov.

I went to the store to get some things and I came back to find that Troye hung himself. Wow a better outcome than I would've done.

I decided to mess with Tyler a little and send him a picture of his ex boyfriend.

Mathew to Tyler: hey Tyler look at what you "boyfriend" did. *picture attached*

Tyler to Mathew: oh my god. Mathew what did you do.

Mathew to Tyler: I did nothing. He did this.

Tyler to Mathew: fuck I need to tell Avah.

Mathew to Tyler: oh yeah I forgot to tell you, Avahs gone.

Tyler to Mathew: Mathew I swear to fucking god what did you do?

Mathew to Tyler: well, I may or may not have shot her in the head. Ha, that's what Troye gets. His best friend is now dead.

Tyler to Mathew: mathew, why would you do this. I can't live without Troye I just can't.

Mathew to Tyler: oh well :)

Tylers pov.

Troyes dead. Avahs dead. I CABT live without Troye. He's in heaven so I might as well go with him.

I went to take a walk before Mathew texted me. I was by a bridge. That's a long way down, I thought. And I jumped. I landed on my back and I slowly started to see nothing.

Troyes pov.

Mathew was smirking and then turned off his phone.

"Im deciding to let you go even though you're dead already." He laughed. That fucking asshole.

"I'm leaving to go calm down from all this drama. Stay dead" he laughed even harder.

I waited until I knew he was gone to get up and leave.

Mathews pov.

I went to my favorite bridge I always go to when I need to calm down.

I decided to go to the bottom by the beach type thing. It was really cold out so as expected, no one was here. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air. When I opened them I saw something in the distance. It looked like someone? I walked up to it and gasped then smiled.

What I saw right there, was a dead Tyler Oakley.

A/n: AHHHH THAT WAS THE END OMFG!! Okay so it ended on a horrible cliff hanger but there may or may not be a really cute alternate ending coming soon so it might not be the end?? But yeah that's it and I really hoped you enjoyed Ease as much as I enjoyed writing it. Bye guys 💖

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Instagram: Kittytroye
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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