~//Alternate Ending\\~

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Troyes pov.

I woke up in a house that wasn't mine and I was tied up. Mathew. And there we was on his bed on his phone.

"Mathew get me out of here. I don't want to be with you. You hurt me both physically and mentally. I hate this just let me go and this can all be over."

"Ha, yeah not happening you're mine now like you should've been in the first place."

"Fine. I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt me"

"I wasn't gonna hurt you Troye, is that the kind of person you think I am?"


"That doesn't mean I'm gonna kill you. Why would I kill my boyfriend" he said a squished my face.

"Bitch, I'm not your boyfriend. We never confirmed this. What do you even want from me?"

"I want you. You were mine first then fucking Tyler stole you away from me. Tylers more attractive and just overall better than me and I hate that. So when you broke up with me I decided to get payback by sleeping with Tyler. He means nothing to me but I know he means everything to you. I want you to be mine." He replied sickeningly sweet like.

"Mathew, you're fucking pyscho"

"Aw babe, I'm really not. I'm just a really good manipulator." He said and he kissed me. I have to admit, I missed his soft lips on mine but this was wrong. I couldn't let him do this.

"Mathew stop." I said again his lips. Even after I said that he didn't stop kissing me so I bit his lip.

"Oww! What the fuck Troye" he said holding his lip.

"Well, I told you to stop but you didn't so I did that." I laughed "now let me go please."

"Fine but only because I have to go to the store and if people come in here I don't want them to find you tied up. Yeah I'm not going back to jail." He whispered the last sentence but I still heard it.

After he untied me he told me to say inside his room and he locked it and left. I'm guessing he didn't know that I knew how to pick a lock so I got out and went to Tylers house. I hadn't seen him since my birthday party. When I made it to his house his mom answered then.

"Jackie, is Tyler home?"

"Yeah he's upstairs, come in" I went upstairs and knocked on his door. When he opened the door, his eyes practically popped out of his head and I tackled him.

"TYLER FUCKING OAKLEY!!!" He helped me up and he saw my arms which I didn't realize had bruises from the rope Mathew tied me up with.

"Troye oh my god what the hell happened to your arms?!"

"Oh yeah, well Mathew kinda tied me up. There's a lot I need to tell you. Tyler I wanna be with you. I understand that you don't wanna hurt me, but I love you so fucking much. I've known you pretty much my whole fucking life and I've loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. Just everything is so hard with Mathew in the was and he wants me too. I'm sorry for whatever I did Tyler, I just love you."

"I love you too Troye. When I left your birthday party I Immediately knew that I made a mistake. I still want you Troye. I'm sorry for all the times that I hurt you and everything I just got carried away in everything." He said holding my hand. After I said that I looked on Tylers dresser and saw that he had a gun.

"Tyler, why do you have a gun?"

"Oh well shits been happening in my neighborhood so my mom gave me my dads old gun just in case. It's fully loaded abs it's really cool." Then I heard footsteps and then the door opened and there stood Mathew Eriksson.

"Oh hi Troye, I suspected that you'd come here. You're lucky I forgot my wallet at home or else I wouldn't have came back so soon. Bitch, did you really think you'd get away from me that easily? Awe, you guys are holding hands? Are you guys a couple now? Awe well too bad because Tylers gonna die tonight" and all of a sudden Mathew runs up behind Tyler and pulls out a knife.

"Troye if I were you I'd leave right fucking now. I'm pretty sure you don't wanna see your ex get stabbed to death" he said then smiled at me. I can't believe I actually ever liked that smile. It's fucking devious. I don't know what I was thinking at the moment but I reach in front of me and grab the gun.

'Fuck, I don't know how to use it' I think to myself. 'It's worth a try. Tyler doesn't deserve to die'

"M-Mathew, let go of Tyler!" I say holding up the gun.

"Ha, I bet you don't even know how to use a fucking gun. You're just as useless as you were when I dated you. Tyler, what the fuck do you see in this bastard" he laughed. It pissed me off.

I pulled the thing that I thought was the trigger and aimed and shot.

I shot his arm.

"There's more where that came from Mathew. Fucking let him go."

"Try me, I can still use my arm. It's still fucking choking him." He laughed and he didn't get time to finish when I shot him in the head.

Tyler stood up he looked horrified but proud at the same time.

"Troye you shot Mathew, but more importantly you used a fucking gun. I don't even know how to use it oh my god Troye." He said in a proud voice. We hugged and we sat back down.

"So I do need to tell you some things; well Mathew killed Avah because I refused to get back together with him, he kidnapped me and tied me up; that's what's up with my arms. That's why I had to kill this bitch."

"Woah, Avahs dead!"

"Yeah, sadly. She was my best friend. Well, she's gone now and ugh I just wish Mathew didn't exist. My life would be so much fucking easier on my life."

"I'd be easier on mine too, I almost got killed" we laughed and I kissed him. We just decided to take him to my house since there was a dead Mathew Eriksson in his room.

We went to school as normal; but with less drama because there was no Mathew. Me and Tyler got to live our lives as a normal couple or as "Troyler" as most of my friends say.

So we're Troyler now, I guess. I like it

A/n: okay now it's officially the end of 'Ease' and I know this is horrible and there is horrible transitions and a horrible ending sentence {I cringe}, but now I can focus of my other 2 fanfics so yay but anyways I wrote it this way because I didn't think it was exactly fair for Tilly to die so I wrote an Alternate ending and Mathew dies; as all of my internet friends wanted so yeah I thought it would be fair like that.

Make sure to read 'Internet Access' and 'Girls like girls' and be aware for updates and I'm gonna update very slowly because of things going on in my life *cough cough* reading smut basically like 24/7 *cough cough*

But yeah that's actually it for 'Ease' but who knows I might do another Troyler fanfic in the future when i get better at writing ;)) but yeah okay byee ily guys 💕💕

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Instagram: Kittytroye
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Twitter: kittytroyler

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