The Party

130 11 18

*Trigger warning (its going to be a sad so just a warning) and a little tiny smut warning ;)*

Tyler's POV.

It's been 2 days since our date and I've been happy ever since. I found out from my friend Joey Graceffa that he is throwing a party tonight at his house and he wants me and Troye to go but I know how socially awkward Troye is so I'm not just going to say yes. I'm going to ask him if he's okay with it.

"So Troye, Joey asked me if I want to go to the party he is throwing at his house tonight and I was wondering if you want to go? I'm not going to say yes if you say no."

"Sure why not. Joey is one of my friends so I'll go."

(Time skip to getting ready for the party)

I got dressed and right now I'm doing my hair. I've been to parties with alcohol before but I always end up sleeping with some random person I meet. I can't do that tonight. I for once actually have a real boyfriend so I can't do it.

The party starts at 9 and I got finished getting ready at 8:30. I went to go pick up Troye. When I got to his house I texted him:

To: Troye boy 😇
Hey babe, I'm here. Are you excited! Lol but come down when you're done 😂😘.

From: Troye boy 😇
Lol very excited. I get to spend more time with you 💗.

He is so sappy. I swear I'm going to die from his sappiness. He came out his house a couple minutes later and he looked beautiful. He was wearing a flannel with black jeans and black converse.

"Hello beautiful." I said when he got in the car. He just blushed and looked at the ground.

"Okay to Joey's party we go." Then we started talking and he told me that he had to do A LOT of convincing for his parents to let him go to the party. When we arrived at the party I could already hear the music loud and clear. I parked my car on the side walk. When we got in it smelled a lot like alcohol. When we started walking a little we were greeted by Joey himself.

"Hey guys glad you could make it. Help yourselves to some drinks." He slurred. I could tell he was drunk.

"Okay Joey you can go back to your friends now." I laughed. He left and me and Troye went to go get drinks.

( Timeskip to when Troye and Tyler are drunk.)

I'm walking around Joey's house because Troye went to the bathroom to pee and I see Mathew. MATHEW IS HERE! Why is he here exactly? So I decided that I was going to take him in the room to have him and Troye talk. It sounded like a good idea at the time.

"Hey Mathew!" I called him over to me. Based on the way he was walking I could tell he was sober.

"Tyler, hi." He said. He sounded really scared for some reason.

"Hey can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, sure." Mathew said hesitantly.

"Can you please talk to Troye? I want you guys to be friends again." This caught him off guard because his eyes were wide.

"Tyler I would love to I really would, but he hates me. He wouldn't want to talk to me." Mathew said. I felt really bad for him so I dragged him into Joey's room and told Troye to meet me in there when he was out the bathroom. I was kinda scared to see how this would go. Troye came out the bathroom and into Joey's room and closed the door behind him. When he turned around he say me and Mathew. He almost ran out the door but before he could I stopped him.

"Troye don't go yet!" He turned around again.

"Tyler I don't want to be in the same room as Mathew. You already know I hate him." Troye said through clenched teeth.

"See Tyler,I told you he hates me." Mathew said.

"Look can you guys please talk."

"I'm willing to talk to him if Troye is willing to talk to me."

"Fine. I'll talk to him but I'm only doing this for Tyler." Troye said. Hey at least he's going to do it.

"Okay Mathew what do you want to talk about?" Troye said Obviously pissed.

"Just us in general. I keep saying sorry for what I did and it's never enough. I don't know what to do to make you forgive me. I want you to forgive me. I want to be friends again." Mathew said sadness leaking into his voice.

"Look Mathew, what you did was wrong and I don't think I could ever forgive that so I think you should just stop trying because it's not going to work." Troye said harshly.

"Im going to go get a drink and hang out somewhere that's not here." Troye said then he left. I turned back to Mathew to see his head down then I hear him sniffle.

"Mathew are you okay?"

"No. I thought he would have forgiven me by now. I want to be his friend again. I hate this. This isn't right and it's my fault. I just got so jealous of you and I hit him. I regret it 100% and if I could take it back I defiantly would. I hate him not talking to me. It hurts so much and I don't know what to do." I felt really bad so I tried to comfort him by putting my hand on his lap and scooted closer to him. I rubbed his back to try to comfort him but he took it the wrong way and he kissed me.

My first thought was "damn his lips are soft" then I started to get lost in the kiss and I deepened it. We started making out and we laid down and I was on top of him. I don't know what came over me but I started grinding on him and we both moaned. I kept doing it until we heard a gasp. I stopped and turned around and saw Troye standing there in complete shock. All of a sudden tears run down his face and I sat there watching until I heard a few loud sobs rip through him. I get up and he starts running and he ran out the door crying. I did this. I did this to him. What have I done.

A/n: okay so before you kill me I'm sorry. I promise it gets better. And I promise you guys will like the next chapter *wink wink*. So right now it's 9 am for me so I decided to update. I'm so proud of myself! I didn't get depressed at all Yesterday. I stayed a happy little innocent child I always am 😇 lmao yeah I'm not innocent at all 😂. Well anyways that's it for now. I'll update later on today. Byeeeee
~Jazzmine 💗

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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