The new house

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Tyler's POV.
While we were on the plane I was scared yet excited. I'm going to see all my friends again including Troye. And I'm going to tell him I love him. I'm scared that he's going to reject me but I need to take my moms advice 'you never know until you try'. I keep saying that in my head until I fall asleep.

I wake up to my mom saying that we're going to land soon. I start to have a little panic attach in my head but then I realized it's Saturday here I won't have to go to school for another 2 days. I relaxed a little after that. I brought my laptop a like always I go on tumblr. Nothing really interesting but it occupied me until we landed.

Once we landed we got a cab to take us to our house. I missed it so fucking much! It's so beautiful! I went up to my room and put my stuff in there. My mom wanted to go shopping for groceries before we unpacked.

When we got back from grocery shopping, we went back home and unpacked. Man did I pack a lot of stuff! Once I was done unpacking all my stuff dinner was ready.

After dinner I went back upstairs to put all my stuff away. It took me an hour and a half to put all my stuff away. I didn't hear my mom come into my room.

"Hey honey"

I jumped and screamed like a little girl and my mom just started laughing.

"Mom that's not funny!!"

"Yes it it."

"Okay whatever, what did u come in here for anyway?" I asked extremely annoyed with her for scaring me.

"I just wanted to let you know that we are going school shopping tomorrow so you have all your supplies for school." Fuck I really didn't want to think about school right now.

"Oh okay well yay" I didn't even try to sound excited this time. She could tell why I wasn't excited and she frowned.

"Tyler I know you're nervous to see Troye and talking about what happened between you two but its school and you still need an education. And think about it you still have your other friends too."

I thought about what she said and yeah I don't need to be nervous to talk to Troye. And I have other friends too so I can do this.

I went to sleep that night and had a nightmare.

I saw Troye at school and I saw that he had a guy with him and when I walked up to them I said hi and they just totally ignored me. I tried again and it didn't work so I had to yell at them


"Get lost loser I'm with my boyfriend"

After that I woke up

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 3:45 I didn't have to get up until 10 am but I couldn't go back to sleep so I just went on my social media and went online for a little. I stayed up until 6:50 am and then I went to sleep and I didn't have a nightmare this time I just went to sleep and woke up at 10 am like I was supposed to.

A/N: Hey so know this chapter isn't great but I promise it will get better. So I need u guys to comment somethings you want to happen sometime in the story. Anyways I like this chapter. The next chapter that's in Tylers POV i think is going to be at the school. Also comment what you think of Mathew because I really want to know. So yeah that's it I'll see you in the next chapter byeeeee
~Jazzmine 💗

(665 words)

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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