The move

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Tyler's POV.
When my mom Jackie said that we were going to move back and that I was going to go the the High School there I literally freaked out in a good way and a bad way. I was happy that I get to move back and see all my friends again, but I don't think I'm ready to face Troye again without telling him that I love him. I really don't want to scare him off hopefully I can be friends with him again and try to convince him to me my boyfriend. Wait I don't even know if he is gay ugh why does this have to be so frustrating? Why can I just be with the guy of my dreams? Even if he was gay I bet he has a boyfriend because he fucking perfect! This is getting so bad I need to stop thinking about him so I don't make a fool out of myself if I do see him again. My mom knows I'm gay but I haven't even told her about my crush on Troye. I have told her about how we were drifting apart. My mom was sad to here that. I know she "secretly" ships us. I ship us too, I even came up with our ship name 'Troyler' I love it and I love him but he will never love me back.

When my mom told me we were moving back this is how it went:

"Tyler can u come down here please" my mom yelled

"Yeah what is it mom"

"So I have decided something, I have decided that we are going to move back and that you are going to go to High School there"

My eyes went wide "mom oh my fucking gosh this is so exciting! I can't wait to see all my friends again!"

"Yeah and you can see Troye again and you can talk about what happened and you guys can become friends again because Tyler, honey I can see how hard this is on you."

When she mentioned Troye my heart fluttered then my heart sank, I'm might see Troye again and we are going to have to talk about what happened.

"Yeah I mean well we don't know if he has moved away from the school so there is a slight chance I can talk to him again to." I tried to sound excited but I really wasn't. I wasn't ready to face him. My mom bought it because she hugged me and said

"I'm so glad ur happy to see him I can't wait to get my babies back together"

She calls us her "babies" because she loves Troye so much she sees him as the second son she always wanted.

"Yeah I can't wait either. So when are we leaving?" I asked my mom this and she had to think about it for a while before she gave me and answer and I was actually kinda happy/scared with the answer.

"I don't know"

I was happy because it could me another couple of week but also scared because she could spring on me 'were leaving tomorrow'.

"Okay tell me when you find out." Once I said that I ran up to my room and thought about what I was going to do if I saw him.

A/N: wow 2 uploads in one day lmao I'm on a roll 😂. Okay so this whole chapter is in Tylers POV so it's only fair to have the next chapter be in Troye's POV. So I have decided that I'm going to try to update every few days or everyday if I write a short chapter. I'm probably not going to update on Monday (2/8/16) because I'm going to Troye's concert YASSS #BlueNighborhoodTour2k16 😂 but I'm so fucking excited omfg so yeah I'll see you in the next chapter byeeee 😂
~Jazzmine 💗

(661 words)

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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